The kde-next repo is in use gain, this time to get ready for KDE Applications 16.08
The first beta is uploaded (minus kdepim, still building).

As always, to use kde-next you will need to have the build repo enabled too.
Place kde-next first in your pacman.conf, followed by build then the rest.
If you do not know how to edit your pacman.conf, then please do not use kde-next, editing is by far the easiest part of helping in kde-next.

21 days later

The final KDE Applications 16.08.0 is build and will be available in the [build] repo.
This means kde-next will be closed again.

Do not report any issues you may find for 16.08.0 upstream, this is not a released version, only intended for internal testing. Report any you find here.

I get error in skypeweb, same as previous patch (it stays couple of months in reviewboard). If you know how to fix it

I have telepathy-haze installed.

This is a thread for KDE Apps 16.08, open a new thread for your question.