It seems that the either the Global Menu widget has not been ported to Plasma 6 or the necessary library has not been built with Qt6. I noticed that there is a package called libdbusmenu-qt5<...
I installed KaOS Plasma 6 using en_US defaults. This is reflected in the dates I can see in Dolphin. However, in the Konsole, I see European dates, even though my locale seems to be set to en_US:
I used to run google-chrome on Plasma 6, right from the application launcher. Now, I get the bouncy cursor, and the window draws, but the inside seems to not draw. Running google-chrome-unstable fr...
The kde-next repo is re-opened for the next major update of Qt. 5.11RC is now up, full rebuilds of Frameworks & Plasma are also included. A few apps are already rebuild, expect there will be ...
Time again to use the [kde-next] repo. Qt.5.9 beta3 is already up there. So is a complete rebuild of Frameworks 5.34.0. Plus Plasma 5.10 beta will be available in kde-next too. Rebuilds a...
Fatrat ya no ejecuta despues de actualizar desde repositorio kde-next este es el error que da al tratar de ejecutar desde konsole: fatrat: relocation error: fatrat: symbol _Znwm, version Qt...
The kde-next repo is reopened to get ready for Qt 5.8.0 and plasma 5.9. Both are now up in kde-next in their pre-release versions. Qt is build from the just released 5.8 RC tars, Plasma is ...
I've noticed for about a week now that the applications menu will not keep "favorites" after logout. When you log back in they are gone. This is the case whether the default panel is on the right...
Official Qt has depreciated QtWebkit. The last few releases are in not really supported "community releases". A group of developers has started a new fork of Qt based webkit. This fork might ...
The kde-next repo is in use gain, this time to get ready for KDE Applications 16.08 The first beta is uploaded (minus kdepim, still building).
As always, to use kde-next you will need t...
One more warning to disable [kde-next] should anyone still have it enabled.
The toolchain will move to GCC 5, this means a full rebuild of all in core, plus another 600 in main and apps (in...
Time again to use the [kde-next] repo. Qt.57RC is already up there. Needed rebuilds are done, except Skrooge, fails so far with 5.7. Expect Plasma 5.7Beta in kde-next soon too.