The kde-next repo is re-opened for the next major update of Qt. 5.11RC is now up, full rebuilds of Frameworks & Plasma are also included. A few apps are already rebuild, expect there will be more broken, thus needing a rebuild on new Qt.
Report any issues you may find for Qt 5.11 here.
Expect Plasma 5.13 Beta to be added next week to kde-next too.
As always, make sure kde-next is the very first repo in your pacman.conf and DO NOT use kde-next if you do not know how to add repo's. This is not for regular use, expect issues & breakage.

9 days later

Plasma 5.13 Beta was released today:
It is now available in [kde-next], along with the last RC for Qt 5.11, Qt 5.11-rc2 (the released tars for this rc 2 should be released as stable Qt 5.11 next week).
Some dependency changes for Plasma 5.13 and plasma-browser-integration is now part of the plasma releases, thus no longer needed to provide a git build for KaOS.
Also changed is qt5-doc, it now contains all Qt documentation and replaces all other Qt doc packages.

An internal test ISO is up, build on [kde-next], so it includes Qt 5.11RC2 & Plasma 5.13beta.
This ISO also moves to kernel 4.16, has a fix for grub failures on BIOS systems using XFS partitioning.
Calamares is not updated yet, so it still shows settings for the April ISO. Also not included yet is nvidia 390xx (since it needs changes in Calamares to work). It is a minimal ISO, virtually no apps.

So anyone willing to help test, get this ISO and just use it in live mode, no use to install yet.

sha256sum KaOS-2018.05.21-x86_64.iso 
f6a24ba32fafb8aeb96dd7104524529de94c732926d964fa796be721f4e7c63b  KaOS-2018.05.21-x86_64.iso
5 days later

Some of the modules are missing in the packages of 5.13 beta, the translations are not complete, and you can not add languages from the control panel, in KDE neon if you can add these languages.

thank you very much.

  • demm replied to this.

    LuisVicente Some of the modules are missing in the packages of 5.13 beta,

    Please state what is missing, cryptic posts like this are not very helpful.

    I have no idea what packages may be missing, but in Neon in the language module you can add languages, in KaOS there is only American English and if you press add there are no other languages.
    Excuse my ignorance in these aspects, I am a basic user of KaOS.
    And the translations are more complete in Kde Neon, maybe the version is newer than the one used by KaOS, but many dialogs in the control panel are in English, and in Neon they are in Spanish, which is the language I use.

    Ah, OK, so it is just about about translations, not modules. During the build of Plasma 5.13beta a transition was done as to how translations are packaged. Are you using kde-next and the build repo? Fully updated?

    pacman -Q plasma-workspace

    Yes fulli updated repos build and kde-next.,
    the installation I did with the minimum iso but not specified by kde 5.13, update it by activating the kde-next repository and at the start of the update I present an incompatibility with plasma-l10n-5.12.90-1 and replace it with plasma-desktop, a Although the two packages are in the same repository (kde-next), that could not be the reason why there is no support for another language outside of English.

    12 days later

    Because the translations are lost when updating to kde 4.13, I noticed that in the same kde-next repository there are 2 incompatible plasma-desktop packages and
    plsma-l10n-5.12.90-1 the one that is uninstalled when updating, could be the cause of the loss of the translations, because they can not be added only the English one exists no others.

    [kde-next] is closed again. Qt 5.11 stable was released last month. Today Plasma 5.13.0 was tagged and is added to the [build] repo.
    Make sure to remove kde-next from your pacman.conf again.
    Translation issues raised in this thread are no longer valid, since all translations are done completely different for Plasma 5.13 stable.

    demm locked the discussion .