I am arch user using kde plasma . I like to install few KaOs apps in my arch desktop .
so , where can I find KaOs keyring and mirror list ?

You can't get precompiled packages to work on Arch and vice versa. It can in only rare cases, but compiler and its runtime are different. So i by myself get only PKGBUILD from Arch and compile package for KaOS, if it's needed, get PKGBUILDs of desired apps and build it by 'makepkg -si'. Note some deps are named differently!

    bvbfan I just wanted to try KaOs themes and wallpapers . so dependencies won't change a lot I think.

    14 days later

    demm You know how hard it has been to tell my brain this is not an Arch linux system? With pacman and octopi there I kept thinking it was. I even tried to use yaourt. However I took the time to read and have begun to understand how things work here.