Hello KaOS community
I am a big fan of avr microcontrollers & wanted to test it in the KaOS platform. I downloaded the avrdude-svn & libusb-compat packages from the KCP database. First I installed the libusb-compat package by running the makepkg -si command from the unzipped directory. It installed properly without any errors. It is also showing in octopi.
screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/Hu8WZYk.png
Now when I go to the avrdude-svn unzipped folder & run makepkg -si , an error message pops up in the terminal.
The other two dependancies are also installed.
libftdi: http://i.imgur.com/HppA6Kb.png
elfutils: http://i.imgur.com/LtFONbM.png
Any clue on this issue? Any help shall be appreciated.