Terminal dump: http://pastebin.com/7WhJiN0u
I tried both the makepkg & kcp -i command both failed. The installation log is given below. I cannot understand if it is an issue with my system or the installation package. Please guide.
[Solved] tmux installation error; One or more files did not pass the validity
Get PKGBUILD file and correct line to md5sum=('SKIP')
I changed the PKGBUILD file using kate & the content looks like this:
I tried with both md5sum & md5sums but the results are same:
It does not skip the integrity rather gives an error that the checks are missing.
Downloaded the tmux file from github (https://github.com/tmux/tmux/releases/tag/1.9a) & replaced the downloaded one in the PKGBUILD containing folder. Issue resolved. It seems that the KCP repo has the wrong file included because the kcp -i tmux is giving the same error. Who knows... :-/
nightcrawler218 changed the title to [Solved] tmux installation error; One or more files did not pass the validity .