Thank you all for the comments.
I think I understand what happened! But first, to document, I will relate what I did.
@bvbfan I did what you suggested, but it did not work. In fact it worsened, but when you restart the session can not retrieve the settings. Undid and went back to square one.
@loopset set the problem before I install Plank. But following the advice demm, removed all packages that pecmam -Qm command returned.
bamf 0.5.1-1
franz 4.0.4-1
libdbusmenu-glib 12.10.2-1
libdbusmenu-gtk3 12.10.2-1
libgee 0.18.0-1
libgtop 2.30.0-1
libwnck3 3.4.9-1
plank 0.11.2-1
@demm also tried the now-dock, but work did not show the following error:
Ocorreu um erro ao carregar o arquivo QML:
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kdelook.nowdock/contents/ui/main.qml:127:9: Cannot assign to non-existent property "screen"
Dock is not something essential for me. I decided to create a new panel, centralizei and just added the task manager only icons. It works as well as a dock.
The problem continued.... But I found the following...
There is information that I did not say, thinking no relevance. Use a notebook with external monitor connected to VGA, because the LCD screen has deadline problems. This LCD screen is physically removed, but for some reason it is still detected. In the display settings I just let the VGA enabled. This worked for months, but for some reason Kaos even with deactivated LCD and VGA chewed as the primary monitor, played the main screen for the LCD, which did not exist! To prove this theory, I plugged the LCD, even defective, and started the system. To my surprise, the elements, wallpaper, panel and all, appeared on the LCD screen and VGA only a second screen, even with the settings to the contrary. For some reason, when I get out of session and come back, the system returns to recognize the settings normally.
Not to mix the issues will open another topic specific to the case. I think I can rule out any problem in Plasma or KDE at this time.
Thank you all here!