
  • May 3, 2018
  • Joined Sep 27, 2014
  • After the last update, I can no longer mount folders on the encfs.
    show the error:

    encfs /mnt/arquivos/d /mnt/arquivos/data
    encfs: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    The only thing you have in the log that can indicate what happened was the upgrade from tinyxml2 5.0.0-1 to tinyxml2 6.2.0-1

    Any tips on what might have happened?


  • I decided not to make any changes for now, since everything is working.
    I leave here the exits of the commands as clarification.

    sudo parted -l

    Modelo: ATA ST1000LM024 HN-M (scsi)
    Disco /dev/sda: 1000GB
    Tamanho do setor (lógico/físico): 512B/4096B
    Tabela de partições: gpt
    Opções de disco: 
    Número  Início  Fim     Tamanho  Sistema de arquivos  Nome                  Opções
     1      1049kB  6979MB  6978MB   linux-swap(v1)
     2      6979MB  7516MB  537MB    fat32                EFI System Partition  boot, esp
     3      7516MB  21,5GB  14,0GB   ext4
     4      21,5GB  558GB   537GB    ext4
     5      558GB   559GB   537MB    fat32                                      boot, esp
     6      559GB   881GB   322GB    ext4                                       boot, esp
     7      881GB   882GB   537MB    fat32                EFI System Partition  msftdata
     8      882GB   1000GB  119GB    ext4

    sudo blkid

    /dev/sda1: UUID="b7a39558-864b-47d0-8f47-9bf79b8a40e8" TYPE="swap" PARTUUID="e2e21ddd-3920-4ddc-869a-1d2986bf91bb"
    /dev/sda2: UUID="2168-FAFB" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="EFI System Partition" PARTUUID="8ce8772e-1231-4f74-ade5-e557237f4c90"
    /dev/sda3: UUID="ace6932c-651a-4173-a46c-2a048a867f55" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c79801d2-7768-40b4-989f-6757f4c918b9"
    /dev/sda4: UUID="d48d03ad-d3f0-4327-841c-21c79a4a4f0f" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="48237d69-3115-47dd-9800-32e3307c27c6"
    /dev/sda5: UUID="DC2C-3DFE" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="7691b24f-0269-430d-9678-19a290cb217c"
    /dev/sda6: UUID="9225f7ca-c3e6-4476-abcd-9854d5110ed4" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="dc039da4-1b52-4ef4-9729-5b3accd8dcab"
    /dev/sda7: UUID="4D1A-D8C1" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="EFI System Partition" PARTUUID="4013bb95-7b3b-4c24-83f6-267c307fa803"
    /dev/sda8: UUID="784d219f-cae1-421f-87ec-0ba5aef4b273" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="1a6798c0-4004-4928-b53e-e9ff830d8cf5"

    Thank you again

  • I'm still confused. Actually, I think I'm afraid of failing.

    Now on my HD I have 8 partitions. Here is my scenario:

    /dev/sda1 Swap
    /dev/sda2 EFI system of old installations
    /dev/sda3 Elementary
    /dev/sda4 Partition only of files for backup
    /dev/sda5 /boot - EFS system linked to KaOS
    /dev/sda6 / - KaOS installed and I'm currently using
    /dev/sda7 EFI system of old installations
    /dev/sda8 Old Kaos installation with grub (broken and disabled)

    My efibootmgr:

    BootCurrent: 0002
    Timeout: 0 seconds
    BootOrder: 0002,0001,0005,0006,000B,0004,000C,000D,0003,0000
    Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager
    Boot0001* ubuntu
    Boot0002* Systemd Boot Manager
    Boot0003* linuxmint
    Boot0004* Windows Boot Manager
    Boot0005* Linux Boot Manager
    Boot0006* Windows Boot Manager
    Boot000B* TSSTcorp DVDWBD SN-406AB
    Boot000C* ubuntu
    Boot000D* ubuntu

    and my efibootmgr -v

    BootCurrent: 0002
    Timeout: 0 seconds
    BootOrder: 0002,0001,0005,0006,000B,0004,000C,000D,0003,0000
    Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager  VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)WINDOWS.........x...B.C.D.O.B.J.E.C.T.=.{.9.d.e.a.8.6.2.c.-.5.c.d.d.-.4.e.7.0.-.a.c.c.1.-.f.3.2.b.3.4.4.d.}....................
    Boot0001* ubuntu        HD(2,GPT,8ce8772e-1231-4f74-ade5-e557237f4c90,0xd00000,0x100000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi)
    Boot0002* Systemd Boot Manager  HD(5,GPT,7691b24f-0269-430d-9678-19a290cb217c,0x41000000,0x100000)/File(\EFI\systemd\systemd-bootx64.efi)
    Boot0003* linuxmint     VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)
    Boot0004* Windows Boot Manager  HD(2,GPT,8ce8772e-1231-4f74-ade5-e557237f4c90,0xd00000,0x100000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)
    Boot0005* Linux Boot Manager    HD(2,GPT,8ce8772e-1231-4f74-ade5-e557237f4c90,0xd00000,0x100000)/File(\EFI\goofiboot\goofibootx64.efi)
    Boot0006* Windows Boot Manager  HD(7,GPT,4013bb95-7b3b-4c24-83f6-267c307fa803,0x66900000,0x100000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)
    Boot000B* TSSTcorp DVDWBD SN-406AB      BBS(CDROM,,0x0)AMBO
    Boot000C* ubuntu        HD(2,GPT,8ce8772e-1231-4f74-ade5-e557237f4c90,0xd00000,0x100000)/File(\EFI\Ubuntu\grubx64.efi)
    Boot000D* ubuntu        HD(7,GPT,4013bb95-7b3b-4c24-83f6-267c307fa803,0x66900000,0x100000)/File(\EFI\Ubuntu\grubx64.efi)

    I studied the efibootmgr commands a bit and tested start with all inputs (sudo efibootmgr -n 000x). I noticed it has a TSSTcorp DVDWBD input, which seems to be my DVD player. It did not start with live cd too, after I chose 000B. By analyzing the outputs of the commands, I can conclude that they are old plant residues that no longer exist in HD. From what I understand I can delete those entries and leave only the one that works, right?

    I used to secure a UFI partition for each install, but I almost always chose to let Grub manage the boot. Then Elementary will not start that way. My only reason for having 2 systems working is that if something goes wrong in KaOS, I can start an OS on the same machine to try to recover it. That's what happened this week.

    I learned a lot from this topic. Thanks for the help and encouragement. I'll get a solution, even if I have to take the HD to another machine.

    KaOS is great!

    • I have one more question, although I think it might be better to open a new topic.

      The installation was done with UEFI using systemd-boot. Before, when it was Grub, I changed the boot order in grub.cfg to choose the system I would start, since I do not have access to the list at startup because of my broken monitor.

      How do I change the boot order with systemd-boot after booting the system, to take effect in the next reboot?

      • Yes @gohlip !! That worked.

        I needed to make a small change to point out which partition was .iso (hd0,8).

        It looks like this:

        menuentry "KaOS iso" {
        set isoname="KaOS-2017.11-x86_64.iso"
        set isofile="/file/path/iso/$isoname"
        search --no-floppy -f --set=root $isofile
        probe -u $root --set=abc
        set pqr="/dev/disk/by-uuid/$abc"
        loopback loop (hd0,8)$isofile
        probe -l (loop) --set=klabel
        linux (loop)/kdeos/boot/x86_64/kdeosiso img_dev=$pqr img_loop=$isofile kdeosisobasedir=kdeos kdeosisolabel=$klabel xdriver=no nouveau.modeset=1 i915.modeset=1 radeon.modeset=1 nonfree=no
        initrd (loop)/kdeos/boot/x86_64/kdeosiso.img

        The system opened and I was able to install on a third partition!

        Thank you!

        • Hi,

          My notebook broke the screen and I use an external monitor. This external monitor only works when the system loads the video drivers. So, I can not access the bios and the selection of grub. I tried anyway to make the external monitor work as soon as you turn on the notebook, but I did not find a response anywhere, even physically unplugging the notebook screen.

          This week my KaOS installation did not start correctly and because of the monitor problem, I did not know what happened. Since I do not have access to bios to change the boot via USB, I need to do a new installation by loading .iso into another partition.

          I have 3 partitions, one of them has Elementary installed. So I was able to access this Elementáry by choosing the blind boot for grub.

          For it I can point to an ISO and make it start by changing the grub. It works fine, but only with Ubuntu and derivatives. To make an iso of the Elementary itself I leave my grub.cfg configured like this:

          menuentry "Elementary Live Desktop amd64" {
          set isoname="elementaryos-0.4.1-stable.20170814.iso"
          set isofile="/file/path/iso/${isoname}"
          loopback loop (hd0,8)$isofile
          linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=${isofile} quiet splash
          initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz

          Being (hd0,8) the partition where the iso file is.
          After that, the system loads and it is possible to install on another partition, unmounting the /isofile before.

          In Ubuntu also works by changing a small detail, but with the KaOS iso does not work. It even starts loading, but stops at a screen with a prompt for basic commands.

          Then finally I ask. Is there any way to make the iso of KaOS start from another partition by grub? What changes would I need to make mo grub?

          I tried this way:

          menuentry "KaOS OS" {
             set isoname="KaOS-2017.11-x86_64.iso"
             set isofile="/file/path/iso/${isoname}"
             loopback loop (hd0,8)$isofile
             linux (loop)/kdeos/boot/x86_64/kdeosiso boot=kdeos/boot/x86_64/ iso-scan/filename=${isofile} quiet splash
             initrd (loop)/kdeos/boot/x86_64/kdeosiso.img

          Where is the error?

        • demm Yes! It worked perfectly on my tests. I accessed my computer through a chromebook and also the reverse path. Very fast, no crashes or bugs.

          The message in kdialog is clear to me. During setup, it is necessary to add two lines in ~ / .chrome-remote-desktop-session, this is the only detail that can confuse a newbie, but with guidance this will not be a problem.

          Really a great application for the KaOS.

          Many thanks!

        • The browser extension works for a remote computer, but requires the download of an installer to give access to our computer. By default a .deb, but it is exactly the kcp package that does not install anymore.

          From what I've seen, based on AUR repositories, the new version includes new dependencies, so it makes the job more complicated.

          My knowledge is not enough to update the kcp package. But if I do the facilities one by one, I will probably succeed, but the person I want to help remotely, and who uses the KaOS as well, is unable to do so. :/

          It seems a contradiction, but KaOS is the easiest and most stable distro to use. I have installed on many family computers, people who barely know what Linux is, where they want to connect and use. KaOs is great for this as it meets all the requirements of a novice user with great tools for use outside the box. But sometimes, even rarely, I need to access these machines remotely to do some maintenance. So a tool like chrome-remote-desktop is a big help.

          I'll search a little more about this update, maybe it's not as complicated as it seems...

        • Unfortunately the chrome-remote-desktop kcp package is in trouble. Outdated, unable to install

          Chrome Remote Desktop was the best alternative for remote access on KaOS. Most solutions like VNC work best with fixed IP, which is not the case for most residential connections.

          Anything new about that in recent months for KaOS, something I missed?


        • Good idea. Congratulations! Kaos is great.
          KaOS is my standard distribution for over three years and I do not intend to change. Always improving. That never happened before, since I was experiencing a distro crisis!

        • Few files are large. The largest has 43 MB, 20 files between 30 and 10 MB. But the vast majority are less than 3 MB. In a universe of 5000 files I consider it within the acceptable.

          Merry Christmas for you too!

        • fjmorazan When you disable FIle searching, the process related to baloo stops searching in background for added/deleted files, so when you re-enable the feature probably baloo will begin to index again until hits with some dir/file unreachable and provoke a sudden CPU spike.

          It was exactly what happened.

          When I began indexing my Calibre library, which contains more than 5000 e-books, the process has greatly increased.

          I deactivated a file search. It's a feature I rarely use.

          Thank you so much, I learned a lot!

        • He encontrado archivos problemáticos, como se puede ver en la imagen.

          He inhabilitado la búsqueda de archivos, probado y consumo de CPU era normal. Me volví de nuevo y parece que contunua normal. Extraña.

          Voy a continuar la vigilancia.

          Gracias por mostrar el camino!
          enter image description here

          • Hi

            I've been slow in the system for some time. After some tests, I found that the baloo_file_extractor process consumes about 25% of all processing. I do not think that's normal. Has anyone else gone through this? Any explanation or tip for correction?

            See the difference in the chart before and after I close the process baloo_file_extractor

            • Hi

              I came back to this topic because Insync has a free offer until Christmas. I noticed that the Insynk package is not available for KaOS.

              I decided to learn how to build the packages and everything went well. I used AUR repositories. There are no dependency problems, only three (glibc, python2 and xdg-utils) and were already installed on the KaOS.

              I followed the documentation:

              Basically, after unpacking the source just go into the folder and make the command makepkg -si

              The free offer of Insync in this link:

              The repositories I used:
              (Insync) -
              (Insync-dolphin) -

              It works great, but I'm still testing to see if I find any errors!! If I've written some nonsense or something that needs fixing, please comment.

              Now I will understand the documentation to try to make available on GitHub.

              • I did it! Here is a tip I found on another forum:

                Create a file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-disable-lvds.conf and write there:

                Section "Monitor"
                        Identifier      "lvds monitor"
                        Option  "ignore"        "true"
                Section "Device"
                        Identifier      "onboard"
                        Option  "Monitor-LVDS1" "lvds monitor"

                Thus the system completely ignores the internal monitor.

                It is enough for time, but I wish it was able to do it physically, anyway ..

              • Recently I thought I was having problems with Plasma or KDE, but I found the problems happened because I'm using external monitor. The beginning of the problem can be seen in this topic.

                Use a notebook with external monitor connected to VGA, because the LCD screen has deadline problems. This LCD screen is physically removed, but for some reason it is still detected. In the display settings I just let the VGA enabled.

                The question is, is there a way to only force the activation of the external monitor via VGA and disable the LCD notebook?

                The simplest would be to disable the LCD in the BIOS, but hé this option in the settings. Physically removed the screen and the cable, but had no effect. The VGA screen appears only when the system starts. This is very annoying, because to access the BIOS I need to connect the LCD broken. The function keys for the second monitor will not work before the loading system.

                Is there any way that is configured on the boot and take effect before the start SDDM? Or permanently disable the LCD by the kernel?

                I set up "video=DSI-1:d", as the output of the command in Grub, but had no effect

              • Thank you all for the comments.

                I think I understand what happened! But first, to document, I will relate what I did.

                @bvbfan I did what you suggested, but it did not work. In fact it worsened, but when you restart the session can not retrieve the settings. Undid and went back to square one.

                @loopset set the problem before I install Plank. But following the advice demm, removed all packages that pecmam -Qm command returned.

                bamf 0.5.1-1
                franz 4.0.4-1
                libdbusmenu-glib 12.10.2-1
                libdbusmenu-gtk3 12.10.2-1
                libgee 0.18.0-1
                libgtop 2.30.0-1
                libwnck3 3.4.9-1
                plank 0.11.2-1

                @demm also tried the now-dock, but work did not show the following error:

                Ocorreu um erro ao carregar o arquivo QML: 
                file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kdelook.nowdock/contents/ui/main.qml:127:9: Cannot assign to non-existent property "screen"

                Dock is not something essential for me. I decided to create a new panel, centralizei and just added the task manager only icons. It works as well as a dock.

                The problem continued.... But I found the following...

                There is information that I did not say, thinking no relevance. Use a notebook with external monitor connected to VGA, because the LCD screen has deadline problems. This LCD screen is physically removed, but for some reason it is still detected. In the display settings I just let the VGA enabled. This worked for months, but for some reason Kaos even with deactivated LCD and VGA chewed as the primary monitor, played the main screen for the LCD, which did not exist! To prove this theory, I plugged the LCD, even defective, and started the system. To my surprise, the elements, wallpaper, panel and all, appeared on the LCD screen and VGA only a second screen, even with the settings to the contrary. For some reason, when I get out of session and come back, the system returns to recognize the settings normally.

                Not to mix the issues will open another topic specific to the case. I think I can rule out any problem in Plasma or KDE at this time.

                Thank you all here!

              • I have no problems in live mode. I also had no problems after installation.
                The task manager does not appear, because there is no panel. Added via widget, works normal.

                My SysInfo

                I had the problem before installing most of the program. I add some widgets and open programs for research of plasma.
                It always happens after the first boot. If I log out and back, the settings, paper looks and everything else work.

                My sddm/xorg-session.log (shows errors)

                My /etc/sddm.conf