My notebook broke the screen and I use an external monitor. This external monitor only works when the system loads the video drivers. So, I can not access the bios and the selection of grub. I tried anyway to make the external monitor work as soon as you turn on the notebook, but I did not find a response anywhere, even physically unplugging the notebook screen.
This week my KaOS installation did not start correctly and because of the monitor problem, I did not know what happened. Since I do not have access to bios to change the boot via USB, I need to do a new installation by loading .iso into another partition.
I have 3 partitions, one of them has Elementary installed. So I was able to access this Elementáry by choosing the blind boot for grub.
For it I can point to an ISO and make it start by changing the grub. It works fine, but only with Ubuntu and derivatives. To make an iso of the Elementary itself I leave my grub.cfg configured like this:
menuentry "Elementary Live Desktop amd64" {
set isoname="elementaryos-0.4.1-stable.20170814.iso"
set isofile="/file/path/iso/${isoname}"
loopback loop (hd0,8)$isofile
linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=${isofile} quiet splash
initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz
Being (hd0,8) the partition where the iso file is.
After that, the system loads and it is possible to install on another partition, unmounting the /isofile before.
In Ubuntu also works by changing a small detail, but with the KaOS iso does not work. It even starts loading, but stops at a screen with a prompt for basic commands.
Then finally I ask. Is there any way to make the iso of KaOS start from another partition by grub? What changes would I need to make mo grub?
I tried this way:
menuentry "KaOS OS" {
set isoname="KaOS-2017.11-x86_64.iso"
set isofile="/file/path/iso/${isoname}"
loopback loop (hd0,8)$isofile
linux (loop)/kdeos/boot/x86_64/kdeosiso boot=kdeos/boot/x86_64/ iso-scan/filename=${isofile} quiet splash
initrd (loop)/kdeos/boot/x86_64/kdeosiso.img
Where is the error?