my first post here. Tried kaosx and found really good. I use linux as primary OS for work and fun (Manjaro Gnome). (i am a graphic designer and photographer)

Searched a bit on the net, but no luck. I rely for everything on google drive and insync. Anyone use this nice piece of software under kaosx?

Same question for turboprint. I use a lot under linux to print with selfmade icc profiles. Anyone has experience with Kaosx?

Tnx a lot
brgds from italy,

KaOS has kio-gdrive in the repos, with it Dolphin is fully compatible with your Google drive.

For turboprint or any other you might miss:
Turboprint is something you did not install from your distro now either, you did build it yourself there too......

Hi Demm,
tnx for your fast reply.
I found kio-gdrive, but, if i understand well, doesn't allow offline use.

Turboprint... i just downloaded the package from the webiste of the vendor and it works. Wished to know if someone knows about problems or strange behaviour with this soft under kaosx. May be it works OOB :-)

In the following days i'll give a serious try to kaosx installing it on a spare SSD and mount inside my pc. I'll try all the softwares i use often/everyday (rawtherapee, geeqie, darktable, dispcalgui, argyll, scribus, inkscape, turboprint, zerene stacker, photomatix)

Enjoy your day,

I realise that lot of soft listed are GTK, but i really want to give a serious try to KaOS.

I follow with a lot of interest Krita. I need a decent soft to handle/convert rgb -> cmyk images and Krita is the right one. Still need to study it. Scribus is what i use and need everyday.

Keep you informed about successes and failures


Krita & Scribus are KDE/Qt5 (and in the KaOS repos).
I was referring to the apps you listed not in the KaOS repos.

2 months later


I came back to this topic because Insync has a free offer until Christmas. I noticed that the Insynk package is not available for KaOS.

I decided to learn how to build the packages and everything went well. I used AUR repositories. There are no dependency problems, only three (glibc, python2 and xdg-utils) and were already installed on the KaOS.

I followed the documentation:

Basically, after unpacking the source just go into the folder and make the command makepkg -si

The free offer of Insync in this link:

The repositories I used:
(Insync) - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/insync/
(Insync-dolphin) - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/insync-dolphin/

It works great, but I'm still testing to see if I find any errors!! If I've written some nonsense or something that needs fixing, please comment.

Now I will understand the documentation to try to make available on GitHub.

    4 months later

    It was removed since it did not add any to the PKGBUILD that was already available (as noted above by gravitacoes ). KCP was never intended to dump blind copies of already existing PKGBUILDs, KCP is only needed to add PKGBUILDs that need adjusting for KaOS or are not available anywhere else.

    For the rest, just use the Packaging Guide to build.