
  • May 15, 2017
  • Joined Oct 26, 2016
  • Confirm that this version works flawless. Tnx

  • tnx a lot. Didn't Know. Works flawless

  • Sorry the stupid question... is available in repo something to filter spam (bogofilter or spamassassin) to work with Kmail ?


  • Hi demm,
    tried quickly ISO 2016.11.04.
    Seems really ok for me. :-) I think you already know ..... but broadcom-wl e tlp packages need to be updated to new kernel 4.8.x

    • demm replied to this.
    • I realise that lot of soft listed are GTK, but i really want to give a serious try to KaOS.

      I follow with a lot of interest Krita. I need a decent soft to handle/convert rgb -> cmyk images and Krita is the right one. Still need to study it. Scribus is what i use and need everyday.

      Keep you informed about successes and failures


    • Hi Demm,
      tnx for your fast reply.
      I found kio-gdrive, but, if i understand well, doesn't allow offline use.

      Turboprint... i just downloaded the package from the webiste of the vendor and it works. Wished to know if someone knows about problems or strange behaviour with this soft under kaosx. May be it works OOB :-)

      In the following days i'll give a serious try to kaosx installing it on a spare SSD and mount inside my pc. I'll try all the softwares i use often/everyday (rawtherapee, geeqie, darktable, dispcalgui, argyll, scribus, inkscape, turboprint, zerene stacker, photomatix)

      Enjoy your day,

    • Hi,
      my first post here. Tried kaosx and found really good. I use linux as primary OS for work and fun (Manjaro Gnome). (i am a graphic designer and photographer)

      Searched a bit on the net, but no luck. I rely for everything on google drive and insync. Anyone use this nice piece of software under kaosx?

      Same question for turboprint. I use a lot under linux to print with selfmade icc profiles. Anyone has experience with Kaosx?

      Tnx a lot
      brgds from italy,