The upcoming ISO for April will be the 4 year anniversary ISO for KaOS.
Instead of just releasing the regular, full, X only ISO, what do you think about adding a second one this time?
Second will be a minimal, Wayland ISO, so many more can try a Wayland Plasma session on KaOS with a stable ISO and no need to install to just try (installing as a Wayland session will be supported for non-free graphics). Regular ISO will be as always, X based, and full (all language packs, wide variety of added applications).
April release with 2 ISOs?
Me parece muy buena idea, ya es tiempo de meterle fuerte a Wayland, porque es el futuro de la presentación gráfica, y hay que pulir muchos detalles y la mejor forma es probando.
It would be a great idea, like LuisVicente says, just to give it a try and polish the bugs we may find. I like it (and would definately try it out)
I like too, good idea.
I would add all apps who can run on this Wayland ISO, so people can see how far this progress is now
I never use Wayland with succes. I think it's because I have a old graphic card.
Yeah, It's a good idea to celebrate the 4th anniversary! And also looking to the future with wayland
Good idea. Congratulations! Kaos is great.
KaOS is my standard distribution for over three years and I do not intend to change. Always improving. That never happened before, since I was experiencing a distro crisis!
Minimal Wayland-only ISO is a great idea
I think an anniversary deserves some theme goodies. Maybe some additional kaOS theming, icons and wallpapers