
  • Joined Mar 29, 2017
  • Thank you, is working
    besides that, the position of the cmdline (in kate) affect it

  • yes, it is booting, but I need to set up the learning mode, what means #, is the command?

    # tomoyo-editpolicy
  • hello,

    I am trying to open the "Domain Transition Editor" (of Tomoyo) for setting up the learning mode, but currently I can not do it
    (do not know if there is something different)
    which command I could use to open the domain transition editor?

    in documentation appears:

    # tomoyo-editpolicy

    at konsole terminal does not happen anything
    thank you

  • btw, I am looking for the soon realease of kaos, the actual updating of camberra things is kinda long

  • well... I had used fat32 partitions (not main) in former kaos stable releases, but I am not sure if it had worked with gpt, if that is the case then there is no problem

    if a people is right does not matter the attitude from the others
    I use this OS because it works, that is all

  • I tried again with 8 MB unformatted, plus the root, plus the swap, plus a fat32 partition, is the same, something should I had missed

    Error Boost.Python en el proceso "bootldr".
    <class 'subprocess.CalledProcessError'>
    Command 'grub-install /dev/sda' returned non-zero exit status 1.
    File "/usr/lib/calamares/modules/bootldr/main.py", line 221, in run
    install_bootloader(boot_loader, fw_type)

    File "/usr/lib/calamares/modules/bootldr/main.py", line 207, in install_bootloader
    check_target_env_call(["grub-install", install_path])

    File "<string>", line 2, in <module>enter code here


  • this is when try a GPT partition

    Error Boost.Python en el proceso "bootldr".
    <class 'subprocess.CalledProcessError'>
    Command 'grub-install /dev/sda' returned non-zero exit status 1.
    File "/usr/lib/calamares/modules/bootldr/main.py", line 221, in run
    install_bootloader(boot_loader, fw_type)

    File "/usr/lib/calamares/modules/bootldr/main.py", line 207, in install_bootloader
    check_target_env_call(["grub-install", install_path])

    File "<string>", line 2, in <module>

    this is the log for an erase disk installation (with the same stick)

  • indeed the issue seems to be fixed, there is no more messages and pauses with the playlist, Thanks!

  • together with the improvement to check the downloading of the ISO
    may be could be considered the use of an add-on with a browser(s) that could be mandatory or optional, in order to download it, and check it (more friendly)
    also the ISO Writer verify option does not have an status bar or meter or something that indicates when we could remove the USB flash, and close the program

    • Thanks for the information
      currently seems that I have some issues with KaOS current installation

      El programa de correo encontró un error fatal y terminará ahora.
      El error fue:
      No es posible obtener el tipo de agente «»
      (and then closes)

      later I'll report, Thanks

    • I tried with konsole (is available) that command
      meanwhile I am using an alternative on KaOS

      • I was remembering, I have this, do not know if there is an alteration because this:

        enter [user@user-pc ~]$ sudo ufw status numbered Contraseña:  Status: active [user@user-pc ~]$ sudo ufw status verbose Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed) New profiles: skip [user@user-pc ~]$   here
      • so, indeed I am not sure if this messages:

        Ha fallado al configuar la cuenta.
        Tipo de recurso <akonadi_pop3_resource> no disponible

        are because of the bug or are because of a typo at setup (of my own)

      • I have just installed it, and was going to input in order to use it

        and that message just appear, I still have not custom it (use it), together with this:

        El programa de correo encontró un error fatal y terminará ahora.
        El error fue:
        No es posible obtener el tipo de agente «».

        I do not know if this is normal, or there are another alternatives for KaOS

        • do not know if is the same issue as kmail
          but in order to add an account at "mensajeria instantanea" (to chat)
          is iterative this window, but do not log in:
          "web authentication for google"

          Thanks all for your support

        • a suggestion to wide up the playlist limits of cantata, each time I wish to "Play Now" all my music, this message appears:
          MPD ha informado del siguiente fallo: Playlist is too large

          seems limit is about 16384 tracks