Please, tell us, what is the problem?

I have just installed it, and was going to input in order to use it

and that message just appear, I still have not custom it (use it), together with this:

El programa de correo encontró un error fatal y terminará ahora.
El error fue:
No es posible obtener el tipo de agente «».

I do not know if this is normal, or there are another alternatives for KaOS

    so, indeed I am not sure if this messages:

    Ha fallado al configuar la cuenta.
    Tipo de recurso <akonadi_pop3_resource> no disponible

    are because of the bug or are because of a typo at setup (of my own)

    I tried with konsole (is available) that command
    meanwhile I am using an alternative on KaOS

      ki00 Just one last thing, using krunner type one command at a time

      kquitapp5 kmail 
      akonadictl stop

      Wait for a minute, then type akonadictl start

      ki00 Perdón por el malentendido, krunner se ejecuta en segundo plano en plasma por lo que tienes que usar la combinación de teclas Alt+F2 o Alt+Barra espaciadora para invocarlo, luego escribes los comandos que te indiqué anteriormente

      Krunner it's a background process on plasma so you need to use Alt+F2 or Alt+Space to invoke it, then you type the commands from the previous post

      Thanks for the information
      currently seems that I have some issues with KaOS current installation

      El programa de correo encontró un error fatal y terminará ahora.
      El error fue:
      No es posible obtener el tipo de agente «»
      (and then closes)

      later I'll report, Thanks