together with the improvement to check the downloading of the ISO
may be could be considered the use of an add-on with a browser(s) that could be mandatory or optional, in order to download it, and check it (more friendly)
also the ISO Writer verify option does not have an status bar or meter or something that indicates when we could remove the USB flash, and close the program
- Edited
ki00 QBittorrent offer such a feature, along with other tools. It should check automatically and you can right click on the specific file once downloaded and select: "Force recheck". I for myself did never run into a single broken ISO, when downloaded per Torrent, since casual download errors are caused by overloaded server and the build in download tools of Firefox, Chrome etc. They are simply not designed to be such accurate when it comes to resume a download. KaOS ships no .torrent by default, there are sometimes user uploads on the download page.
I for myself think about a tool that does all:
Download the ISO, write it, check on the stick, check the local file (if the check on the stick fails), offer a redownload if that part is the issue, suggest another device(port) if that one fails and so on. Also the setup to HDD/SSD, in order to boot the live ISO from there (no BIOS/UEFI contact, no need for an external media) is a wonderful idea, imho.
All that makes open source usable for millions of people, who are currently stressed by the process.
A one click installer from A to the Z.
The nub of matter is, that KaOS is focused on people who "have tried many Operating Systems/Distributions/Desktop Environments" and since these do it also such challenging...
Plus, KaOS focus on packaging, as the homepage speaks.
Development of new tools is in the hands of the community.