First, minimal test ISO is uploaded for the June 2017 KaOS stable ISO.

provide the installation log, if you encounter any issue at all

As always, early test ISOs are minimal, very few apps, just a web-browser, file manager, text editor, GUI package manager. The non-free nvidia drivers are included since they are a big part of what needs testing.

This cycle it is back to the regular one X based ISO only.
For this first ISO all is not only build using the [build] repo, but [kde-next] is also used. Reason for this is that the final ISO will be released with Qt 5.9, but that one is not released yet. All in KaOS for Plasma 5.10 is build with Qt 5.9RC and all that is being tested in [kde-next].

KaOS ISOs are not only GTK free but are Qt4 & KDE 4 free too.
This is as pure a Qt 5/Plasma 5 ISO as possible.

Plan is to have Frameworks 5.34.0, KDE Applications 17.04.1, Plasma 5.10.0 and Linux 4.11.x on the final ISO. If all testing goes well expect the final ISO to be released in 10-12 days

Calamares version used is 3.1.0. Release Notes page is not fully updated yet, you will see some the text from the April ISO.

The ISO is using packages from the build and kde-next repos, but those repo's are not enabled, so if you decide to install, make sure to add the build and kde-next repo to your pacman.conf.

To help with testing:

  • Use a GPT partition table on BIOS system (manual partitioning)
  • Use Isowriter to write the test ISO to your USB stick, plan is to remove imagewriter from the repos after this test cycle
  • Use in live mode on as much different hardware as possible
  • If you have an UEFI capable system, check if the ISO boots in both UEFI and legacy BIOS mode, make sure though to turn off secure boot
  • test installs on real hardware are needed, not just vbox
  • check as many partitioning options as possible in the partitioning of Calamares, see if all works and is clear enough
  • test with vbox in Live mode and installed and adjust to full screen or resize to different resolutions

debug packages for Calamares are part of all ISOs, run Calamares with gdb if you encounter errors
provide the installation log, if you encounter any issue at all

You can start Calamares from the Welcome app, or run it with:

sudo calamares -d

The install log will be created in the home directory of the Live user, see ~/installation.log. It is available after the install in the target system in /var/log/installation.log
If run from cli, make sure to pastebin the full output, since no installation.log will be copied then, though that log is more complete.

The new site for testing ISOs is still in use:

On this ISO you will find:
Linux 4.10.9
systemd 233
gcc 5.4.1
Qt 5.9.0RC
Frameworks 5.34.0
Plasma 5.10.0
KDE Applications 17.04.1 kf5 based
Git builds of KDE Application that are ported to frameworks, but were not part yet of 16.12
Octopi 0.9dev with sysinfo & cachecleaner tool

Known issues:

  • Kaptan has setting a new wallpaper disabled. Work is still continuing to try and fix kaptan crashing on setting a new wallpaper
  • Setting the correct resume=/dev/mapper/ parameter when using LUKS has been broken a long time, work is now added to try and fix, not clear yet if it is fully fixed

I tried again with 8 MB unformatted, plus the root, plus the swap, plus a fat32 partition, is the same, something should I had missed

Error Boost.Python en el proceso "bootldr".
<class 'subprocess.CalledProcessError'>
Command 'grub-install /dev/sda' returned non-zero exit status 1.
File "/usr/lib/calamares/modules/bootldr/", line 221, in run
install_bootloader(boot_loader, fw_type)

File "/usr/lib/calamares/modules/bootldr/", line 207, in install_bootloader
check_target_env_call(["grub-install", install_path])

File "<string>", line 2, in <module>enter code here

And where do you read you use a fat32 for GPT on BIOS?

This thread is for those who can help KaOS with testing, not for those who need help installing.
Please use a stable released ISO when you need this much help and post in the correct forum section to ask how to install (but make sure to read the instructions given and open the Installation Guide included in every ISO).

well... I had used fat32 partitions (not main) in former kaos stable releases, but I am not sure if it had worked with gpt, if that is the case then there is no problem

if a people is right does not matter the attitude from the others
I use this OS because it works, that is all

btw, I am looking for the soon realease of kaos, the actual updating of camberra things is kinda long

Second test ISO is up, first full ISO (a little sooner in this test cycle to move to a full ISO, making sure all KDE Apps are ok with Qt 5.9).
Changes since the first test ISO from 4 days ago:

  • Calamares has fixes for using LUKS with hibernate, a long standing bug
  • Move to Qt 5.9.0 final
  • Kaptan has wallpaper module re-enabled, segfaults with it are fixed
  • Move to Babe as default music player, see the results of this poll why
  • Change in how Mariadb is packaged, with version 10.1.24 it is no longer split, instead packaged as upstream ships it

It looks like kernel 4.11.x won't be ready in time to be included in the final ISO, there are issues with AUFS on intel. If not resolved in the next 2-3 days, then linux will stay at 4.10.9

8cc79f336aee8afb5f6f49ed0850208a  KaOS-2017.05.31-x86_64.iso
demm changed the title to Test Cycle 2017.06 ISO .

i have installed yestarday the test iso of 25.05.2017 whit my new ssd on my notebook whit uefi installation and secure boot disabled, i have gpt partition table and chois this partition mode:
/boot fat32
/ xfs
/var xfs
/home xfs
this is my fstab:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a device; this may
# be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even if
# disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system>                           <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
UUID=5A96-0C8C                            /boot          vfat    defaults,noatime 0       2
UUID=2e26111a-d334-4eca-b10a-7f852da3fa17 /              xfs     defaults,noatime,discard 0       1
UUID=8c57f3e3-cf3e-4f18-a0cd-3e3c79dc7d5e /var           xfs     defaults,noatime,discard 0       2
UUID=13ba2ee4-eaed-4edd-9af9-6bbb10880e34 /home          xfs     defaults,noatime,discard 0       2
tmpfs                                     /tmp           tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0       0

i hope is well, today i have add [build] repo and upgrade after this upgrade reboot and don't boot i don't know why two time restart not boot after systemd-grub
strange to 3 restart all is well
sudo journalctl -b -p err report this but i don't think this is the problem for not boot

sudo journalctl -b -p err
-- Logs begin at Wed 2017-05-31 21:16:32 CEST, end at Thu 2017-06-01 15:02:57 CEST. --
giu 01 14:55:24 th3g3ntl3m4n-kaos kernel: mmc0: Unknown controller version (3). You may experience problems.
giu 01 14:55:24 th3g3ntl3m4n-kaos kernel: i801_smbus 0000:00:1f.3: Failed to enable SMBus PCI device (-16)
giu 01 14:55:25 th3g3ntl3m4n-kaos systemd-vconsole-setup[395]: Virtual console /dev/tty0 is not in K_XLATE or K_UNICODE.
[th3g3ntl3m4n@th3g3ntl3m4n-kaos ~]$ 

this is time to boot

Startup finished in 7.902s (firmware) + 2.649s (loader) + 1.093s (kernel) + 1.179s (userspace) = 12.825s
[th3g3ntl3m4n@th3g3ntl3m4n-kaos ~]$ 

and this is other code

ystemd-analyze blame
           526ms upower.service
           303ms dev-sda2.device
           135ms ModemManager.service
           101ms udisks2.service
            81ms systemd-resolved.service
            69ms NetworkManager.service
            62ms systemd-udev-trigger.service
            61ms systemd-journal-flush.service
            57ms systemd-hostnamed.service
            53ms systemd-timesyncd.service
            53ms systemd-rfkill.service
            51ms systemd-journald.service
            47ms systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-5A96\x2d0C8C.service
lines 1-13
th3g3ntl3m4n@th3g3ntl3m4n-kaos ~]$ sudo lsblk -D
sda           0      512B       2G         0
├─sda1        0      512B       2G         0
├─sda2        0      512B       2G         0
├─sda3        0      512B       2G         0
└─sda4        0      512B       2G         0
[th3g3ntl3m4n@th3g3ntl3m4n-kaos ~]$

what you think in general around fast boot and error log?
you know other command to check the log error on boot?

Second full ISO is uploaded. When all goes well than this will be the final KaOS 2017.06 ISO.
This means that no new kernel is ready in time, so this ISO will ship with 4.10.9.
Expect this ISO to be released this Monday, that will also mean all of Qt 5.9, Plasma 5.10.0 will move to all users on Monday.

Changes since the 5-31 ISO:

  • Midna sddm theme has the password preview changes reverted, now all works again when a wrong password is used (correct warning)
  • New sddm build, no new release available, but latest checkout is needed for Qt 5.9. Now switching user does not result in crashes
  • Updates to linux-firmware, util-linux, p11-kit, cmake, libgcrypt, libldap, ncurses, sudo, kpmcore
  • Memory leak fixed in kdeclarative
  • Kio patched to start the option to use Dolphin for root actions again(without opening dolphin with kdesu)
  • Release Notes finalized

595c07cf74e54dc462399a0d59acb08d  KaOS-2017.06.03-x86_64.iso