Morning KaOS Team/Community,

After downloading the last .iso, checking the md5sum and using "dd" to an USB key, the installation give me an issue.

In order :
- Boot the iso from USB, ok.
- Launch KaOS-Live, ok.
- After 30", prompt tell that an error occured : "the live don't show up".
I'm invited to use --help with #rootfs: and I don't know what I've to do.
Before, on my personnal computer Live works perfectly.

Have you an idea about what happen ?


Not clear what you are trying to tell.
The ISO boots fine into a live session, but then not?
Or do you experience an issue after installing and trying to reboot into the new install?

If it is in live mode, then state where it hangs. Do you get the boot menu? Do you use an UEFI or BIOS boot system?
If you get that menu, do you get to the splashscreen?

Sorry for innacuracies (non-native english speaker with difficulties)

On a laptop (trying to install a dual-boot with Ubuntu), KaOS isn't already install.
Using BIOS, not UEFI.
We push the F12 touch to choose on wich device we want to boot.
We choose sdc for USB Key.
KaOS Welcome pages is here and we have the choice between "start live", "memory tools", "nvidia non-free" and another one I forget.
We select "start live". Here be the dragon. After choosing it, prompt appeared and it is written something like "something don't show up" (I'll try again to write what it written).

It's the first time I see it, by the past I only have to put the USB key ont he laptop, boot the .iso on and follow the way to.

OK, that is at the point the kernel starts loading.
Still double check the USB Live stick, rootfs issues so far has pretty much always means faulty media.
If possible, try to use another USB stick to test.

If that produces the same result, then hardware info needed, see if it needs a special kernel command line to load.

demm you're marvellous.
It works with another USB stick.
Thank you very much !

(how to add [solved] tag without renaming ?)

  • demm replied to this.

    kadmel let me know if you can edit the tags, to add the "solved" tag, should be possible as original poster.
    I'll do it this time, but would be good to know if an OP can do it too.

    I've search on all the topic, but I didn't find any "button" to add or change tag. If I clic on top tag I had choose at the beginning, I access to all topic with the same tag, but can't choose another one.

    OP is a simple user I mean.

    "edit tags" is part of the "reply" options menu (at least for me).
    Seems OP (Original Poster) does not have access to that.

    Click on the arrow next "reply" only propose to "rename" it.