Hello. What should I do to make Dolphin "search" function work? I guess it's a problem with accessing files in partitions separate from "home". In the settings, all I could find is the possibility to exclude locations (partitions) from search, not how to enable it in these locations.

If you choose "Everything else" it's limited to home, navigate to / (root dir) and perform search for all disk.

Sorry, I don't understand your recommendation. Let's talk about a specific user case: I want to find a specific pdf file in a large folder on a specific partition (not "home"). If I simply apply your method, I cannot find anything - and it doesn't make sense, because the "search" should be directed to the specific folder where I operate the search.

It depends how you mounted the partition. Searching in dolphin is done from the folder you are located in, fx. ~/Documents. If you want to search from within another partition you have to open that folder in Dolphin, fx. /mnt/Storage. Search everything is same as searching from your home folder, and searching from root performs a search for everything included mounted partitions.

Thank you both for the answers. I discovered a way to make search work in dolphin: clicking on "Find" opens a few tabs with some settings for the search options, and then I select "Everywhere" instead of "From here (user)" , as bvbfan suggested. I guess that in another KDE distros the default setting is Everywhere, and this is why I was confused about not getting the results I wanted.
All is clear, now.