Reason why it is not showing in your Neon bash history is because of old bash/readline used. Once they get to the new versions, you will see the same.

Found more reports now of updated distros that users on readline 7/bash 4.4 see the xinitrc copied to bash_history.

Question left now, what is creating xinitrc on new installs.......
KaOS no longer ships it, uses only xinitrc.debug for new installs. If you remove ~/.xinitrc from an existing install, it won't come back. Live session does not have it either.

Yes, I still have that file, and the problem is still with the use of konsole. Sorry I thought it was gone.

Remove the .xinitrc file (keep .xinitrc.debug), it is useless, found the installer Calamares is responsible for copying it. xorg-xinit is now rebuild to longer ship it in /etc/skel, so future ISOs won't be adding this to new installs.