Hi all
Every time I start LibreOffice, there is an increase in CPU usage - about 12-13% (I have an i7, 4 cores CPU). I don't know if it's relevant, but I also had a problem updating KaOS because of LibreOffice, more precisely, because of the breeze dark set of LibreOffice icons - I solved it deleting the icons and then copying it again in the icon folder. What could explain this strange behavior (high CPU)?
LibreOffice high CPU
criptoriga also had a problem updating KaOS because of LibreOffice
That is too cryptic to help you. Show the complete output of such an update plus the command used..
Might be needed to get full system info though to really help. Open Octopi > Tools > SysInfo and paste the link that creates here.
it's soffice.bin process and i my try don't depend to icon set, is the same whit sifr icons
For the update issue, if you mean you had your own version of the breeze dark icon theme and see a conflict now, then that is because breeze dark is now part of libreoffice in KaOS, so remove your own set and use the packaged set.
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High CPU confirmed and it is GTK related (already confirmed too that is not KaOS only either). Run libreoffice with the generic plugin (terrible look) and all is quiet:
SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen libreoffice
demm Thanks, this recommendation solved my problem. The look is not so terrible, by the way
demm It's almost a month since I have this problem and it't still not solved. It's sad to see such lack of competence and professionalism in the linux world.
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This is FOSS, none tries to lie or bothers you, none offers something. I hate office packets, personally don't know what the problem is with LiberOffice, but i'm using Calligra (really only to read something in doc format). I can't make comparison between 2 programs.
Seems it took one minor version to get the fix for the Libreoffice developers, no idea how this can be done faster (regression in 5.3.3, fix is now up with Libreoffice 5.3.4).
Or you mean it is KaOS fault, and it lacks professionalism? If this issue was that important to you, it would not have been impossible at all for you to do the work and check the upstream bug reports and provide patches here they probably would have posted for you. FOSS is a 2 way street, you get all for free, in return you help in ways you can. It will never work if it is all about consuming only, demanding, and nothing in return.