So on my quest to find another good KDE distribution (because OpenSUSE has become s***), I also came across KaOS... and dd'ed the image onto my flash drive.

  • Why would anyone place the main bar on the right edge of the screen? Plus all the other weird default configs, like in Dolphin.
  • I can't tell the installer not to install a bootloader (I have rEFInd).
  • I installed it twice now, and both times, I can't log in after the reboot.

    Why would anyone place the main bar on the right edge of the screen?

    Since the very very most screens today are 16:9 or 16:10 does it take less space.
    You can change this setting in the menu on the bottom of the panel.
    I as a user had it on the right side already a couple of years before it was the default here in KaOS.

    I can't tell the installer not to install a bootloader (I have rEFInd).

    Surely an issue.

    I installed it twice now, and both times, I can't log in after the

    Did you check your ISO and the USB Stick?

    For UEFI installs, just don't assign the EFI /boot partition, then no bootloader gets installed.
    If you boot in legacy BIOS mode, make sure to tick don't install bootloader.

    Default settings used in Dolphin was KaOS community chosen. Putting a panel vertical might be new to you, but try it a while if you are on a (most common now) widescreen, and you will find it is much more intuitive. If not to your liking, just drag the panel to where you then prefer. No need to keep all as Windows default, no harm in showing other workflows, some will hate, some will be surprised how much better it fits their workflow. 🙂

    5 days later

    The power of Linux, if you don't like the defaults, you can change it. Does anyone really use the defaults anyway? I always configure my system to my likings. So not really an issue I would say.

    20 days later

    zilti Did you read what you wrote?
    You obviously like KDE otherwise you would not try KaOS, a distro concentrating on the K desktop.
    You get this distro for free, as in you don't need to pay for it.
    A distro which is not afraid to do things differently, like for example the panel on the right side of the screen, a totally different way of organizing Dolphinwith panels right and left. As others have also said, most monitors are wide-screen monitors with plenty of space horizontally but little space vertically. What is better than to take some stuff which normally takes vertical space and move it so it uses horizontal space? Clever. Outstanding.
    Even when you don't like that, change it to the way you do like it, make it your own. Nobody is stopping you.
    Is it really necessary to come here and write such a blunt post? If you bought this OS then you could complain, although even then after seeing it once you would not have bought it.
    Didn't you watch the KaOS website, plenty of pictures showing you how KaOS looks like without interference of the user.
    I sure hope you read this thread eventhough, as you say, you have left KaOS already. I think you owe the developers a big apology for your remarks. They have done a great job, creating something different by using something familiar.

    2 months later

    must have been a deepin, elementary os fan, where you can not almost change anything...

    I dont mind what KaOS customizations are. to be honest it whats actually made my decisions to try it out, and i am sticking with it 😃 If it does not meet users preferences, its KDE and its configurable.

    i dont remember how rEFInd worked, (i have been using grub and systemd) but you can skip bootloader setup by not specifying it during the partition setup.

    great work KaOS team.

    9 days later

    I'm fans of KDE Plasma, but never find any distro fot the best support for KDE. I think KaOS is the best distro for KDE Plasma. I'm wondering, how they make it perfectly. If you are ready to leave, I will switch my KDE on KaOS for the common Linux.

    5 days later

    zilti Regarding the panel... I thought it was insane at first, as well. However, after a few hours, it felt like second nature. I did, however, switch the standard KDE clock widget with the Event Calendar widget. This allowed me to stack the hours and minutes on two seperate lines and make them as big as I want. It's super easy to read now and fits in properly with the icon set.
    I'd also add, changing layouts isn't nessaserily "weird". Why does everything have to be the same all the time?