Howdy We are hosting a mirror of KaOS at (we are hosting over 80 repositories with 10Gbps uplink...
I'm totally happy with this linux distro , very nice performance , stability nice collection of software , nice desktop and i can find more packages using flatpak , xfs filesystem performs really g...
The news entry for the November ISO is not on the server anymore, maybe it got lost in the transition to the new server. The September ISO is currently presented as the current release and the Nove...
Yes it is! It broke my heart when I couldn't get Virtual Box to work. Had to go back to Debian yesterday 'cuz of this. My work revolves around VirtualBox, and my bosses won't change their mind...
Just happen to check the welcome screen (Croeso). It gives option to install (under packages tab) additional softwares such as browsers, image drawing apps, music apps, email clients, office apps. ...
Hi demm,
I see you have just ignored my suggestions and complete instruction (no arch wiki, but I made it for you) to improve fonts. Version 19.09 has the ugliest font rendering, I have eve...
Instead of technical issues, troubleshooting and those annoying things, I just want to share with you all a pleasant surprise. I had my gaming/work laptop a bit abandoned, so I just wanted to c...
So on my quest to find another good KDE distribution (because OpenSUSE has become s***), I also came across KaOS... and dd'ed the image onto my flash drive.
I have been testing graphics out put on 4 linux distros my conlusion is kaos has the best output by far I have been using youtube as the test base all 3 browsers firefox,google chrome and qupzilla ...
Hey guys,
Really enjoying what you have done with Plasma 5, seriously one of the best implementations of it. I've checked out KaOS not long after its appearance on the Linux stage and I've ...