Mirrors are not owned by KaOS. If you know of an institution that hosts distributions like KaOS, you or anyone in this community can ask such an institution if they are willing to add KaOS to their list.
In the meantime, which mirror is slow for you? Did you try some others? There is one in Vietnam, that should be the closest to you.

Yes, Vietnam's speed is about 60Kb/s.
I saw Tsinghua Universery's mirror policy, generally, they said you should reach them. And you said they should reach you.
I'll be damned. I'm just a individual.
So, it's done.

No, I did not say an owner of a mirror should contact a distribution, I merely said, anyone in this community (KaOS) can help. One way to help is contacting an institution that hosts such mirrors.
No one in KaOS gets paid to do any, it only survives by volunteers helping......

So sorry for misunderstanding you.
I wanna help.
Here is the way, https://github.com/tuna/issues/issues/new

如果你希望 TUNA 对某个开源项目设立镜像,请按以下模板填写

If you request TUNA to setup a mirror site for an open-source project, please submit you issue using the following template.

提交时,请去掉前面介于 <!----> 之间的段落。如果不是设立镜像请求,无需按此格式填写。

When submiting, please remove the lines between <!-- and -->. If this is not a mirror request, there is NO need to follow this template.

项目名称与简介(Project Intro.)

上游地址与镜像方法(How to Mirror)


  • 镜像大小(Mirror Size):

Could you finish this?
You can submit the issue to request a mirror.
If anything I can help, I'll be here.

As you already show, it should be done by someone speaking/writing Chinese. so if at all possible, you submit the request, and if they approve, I will add the new mirror directly to the KaOS package pacman-mirrorlist.

Actually, foreigners can be accepted. That translations above aren't from me. They are from Tsinghua University.
But I can try, even though I'm just a beginner, and you can see my english is poor.
Please help me finish this:

项目名称与简介(Project Intro.)
上游地址与镜像方法(How to Mirror)
镜像大小(Mirror Size):

Or where I can find these informations?

15 days later
7 days later