Using KaOS I constantly feel the lack of good search program. Yes, Plasma search works beautifully for the files from your home folder, but I have lots of files to search stored in another partitions (and I need to search them all simultaneously). At some moment I tried to solve the problem by indexing all those partitions in baloo, but after that it appeared another problem: baloo is re-indexing the files from those partitions always after each restart. And it also uses too much disk space for my taste.
When using Ubuntu or Arch, I use fsearch, in Windows, "Everything search engine". Could somebody package fsearch for our community, please? It's a great program and I think it would be best that fsearch were included in the default apps in KaOS and every other linux distro.
Also, in KaOS a simple search in another partitions using Dolphin's "find" command still doesn't work.
need for a search program
For Dolphin find
, disable baloo completely, works beautifully then, not only on other partitions, but also on remote servers.
For adding packages to the repo, see:
You can add to KCP, or maybe someone is interested in adding it for you.
Try kfind, think it's in the repo.
I tried to use KFind, but there is something strange. For example, I'll try to find a file from an external drive. The drive's location is /run/media/"user"/"the drive name". But if I try to set the location in KFind, I can only choose locations from the home folder. I can select /run/media/"user", but that's it, I cannot select anything else past the user's name, like there is no external drive mounted.
Something is wrong, here, and I think that this is why I cannot use Dolphin to search files in external drives.