I have used puseaudio-dlna lot when I used Kubuntu, but havn't got around to install it on KaOS before. I now have, and got it to run just fine. Some python dependencies aren't available on KaOS, so you have two options here, either compile all deps needed or use pip to install them. I wen't for pip (easiest way).

Here's the modified PKGBUILD for puseaudio-dlna (grabbed from AUR). Copy it to a folder, compile and install it.

pkgdesc='Small DLNA server which brings DLNA/UPnP support to PulseAudio'
depends=('dbus-python2' 'python2-gobject' 'python2-lxml' 'python2-pip' 'python2-psutil'
optdepends=('faac: AAC transcoding support'
            'ffmpeg: multiple formats support'
            'flac: FLAC transcoding support'
            'lame: MP3 transcoding support'
            'opus-tools: OPUS transcoding support'
            'sox: WAV transcoding support'
            'vorbis-tools: OGG transcoding support')

build() {
  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
  python2 setup.py build
package() {
  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
  python2 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1 --skip-build

After you installed it, you need to install some python packages thru pip2 (using pip2 so those packages isn't installed for python 3 to).

sudo pip2 install chardet docopt futures netifaces notify2 protobuf requests setproctitle

Then just run "pulseaudio-dlna" from terminal.

NOTE! This is the easy way to install the packages above, but it also means that you will have packages installed in your system that will not be shown by pacman! You manually need to remove those if you want to uninstall puseaudio-dlna. The recommended way is still to compile the packages and install the normal way.

You can add these installation in build() after setup, without sudo but with --user, they will be applied for user that run makepkg on.

    bvbfan Ah, didn't know that. How do I add it? Just add pip2 install chardet... in the build() section?

    [EDIT] Ha, that worked like a charm 🙂 Thanks for the tip. Maybe I should add this to KCP to? Is there a way to have them removed when removing puseaudio-dlna to, or that still has to be done manually?

    Python 2 and 3 allow installing packages to user level not system wide.

    pip3 install --user <package>

      Added puseaudio-dlna to KCP.