Hello! My web server has the KaOS repository added! Here are the details if you need them 🙂

Country: United States (South Central Region)
Link to mirror: https://kiwidev.xyz/kaos
Domain: https://kiwidev.xyz
Supported protocols: http, https
Speed ~25Mbit/s
Storage Left (in case the repo gets big over time): ~850GB free

I will be testing it right now as I just recently wiped my main pc (on purpose, don't worry) so I will tell you if this is successful within 10 minutes (I need to make sure the ISO correctly downloaded 🙂 )


EDIT: Mirror seems to be working completely fine!

Thanks, will be added to the pacman-mirrorlist package shortly.
Would you like an entry in the sponsor page?
If so, what link, text and image?

I don't want to be on the sponsor page, but thank you anyways 🙂

8 days later

Kiwi Did you already remove this new mirror? That would be a record......gone after just a week.

20 days later

Well I found out that anywhere outside of my town gives you a download speed of ~1MB/s

Sorry about that.

EDIT: I do plan eventually to be a mirror, just when I have better internet