- Edited
rober i think you can configure kodi to behave like a media streamer sever http://homemediaportal.com/enable-kodi-dlna-kodi-media-server/
Or you can use emby server from KCP
rober i think you can configure kodi to behave like a media streamer sever http://homemediaportal.com/enable-kodi-dlna-kodi-media-server/
Or you can use emby server from KCP
I also vote for VS Code. It is the biggest open source project on Github for years.
I like the project very much and so do others. 2 years ago, they had already 2.6 million users.
Today, they are the most prefered editor in the world.
What about NextCloud?, is it possible to add it? I'm not sure if it need building, but I think that for many users it would be useful to have their files available from anywhere.
And maybe freefilesync, it has a lot of useful features (MTP support) and it's easier to use than rsync or Kup.
For NextCloud, what are you guys looking for? A server package? The Qt5 client, like is in KCP?
I'm sorry for not being clear, I was talking about the server package.
Then I actually have one more question for Nextcloud, what does it offer that Seafile doesn't? That one has both the server and client already in the repo, gives you the option to install in your own server or use Seafile from upstream....
And if it is for access to your files from anywhere, there are quite a few in the repo, like Dropbox and Spideroak, did you use any of these already?
I'd suggest Beaker Browser, I was trying it and found it a good tool to learn about and work on decentralized internet.
A program to manage downloads, better than kget that integrates well with browsers other than falkon (firefox, google-chrome, otter-browser, vivaldi) which is something that does not kget, I suggest freedownloadmanager are testing a version for linux.
Is there any chance for vulkan to be added?
I've been using my own created packages for a few years now (there three)
Thank you
photodiode Is there any chance for vulkan to be added?
Those make sense, will benefit all with another graphics option. Will be added.
plasma-mediacenter can be removed, it's out of date.
I vote for Vulkan too, it'd benefit everyone who's developing anything graphic-related.
And I vote for VSCode. It's an amazing open-source tool.
Maybe some widgets from the latte land?
Applet Window Buttons
Applet Window Title
Applet Window Appmenu
Applet Latte Spacer
I only have a PKGBUILD for Applet Window Buttons, I can post here or in KCP if you want (I don't know if there are naming convetions for widtgets)
bueno, no hay problema con wps-office, igual se puede instalar desde DISCOVER (formato flatpak). Y vapoursynth sería posible o no?
Google Traslate:
Well, there is no problem with wps-office, the same can be installed from DISCOVER (flatpak format). And would vapoursynth be possible or not?
tatizaffaroni And would vapoursynth be possible or not?
No, that would require adding dozens of new packages just for vapoursynth. Not a commonly asked for anyway by anyone on KaOS.
demm thanks for answering