I was missing minicom - serial port command while ago. I don't know if putty can serve as alternative, it seems to me to be unstable under linux.

5 days later

bvbfan Easy use of dd https://github.com/LinArcX/Kindd ๐Ÿ™‚

Since it lacks the features that KaOS' own IsoWriter has (no option to verify checksum for example) and it basically is for creating bootable USB too, not much use to add. But it makes sense though to look at it for a rewrite of IsoWriter in QML.

6 days later


I'll always take an updated version. From a user perspective I don't see much difference so it's probably low impact.

+1 for Strawberry. Amarok worthy successor.

How about Qt5 XMPP client like PSi+? Ktp fell into stagnation.

Or Kaidan.

    5 days later

    +1 For Kaidan, I just tried it, it's still primarily stuff, but it can at least chat.
    Still lack important feature like http transfers and server side chat history but i guess they would follow quickly.

    Can't comment about music players, there is too much, all dying after short period of time: amarok, juk, clementine, all of those i already forgot. Amarok was just fine, don't know how far dead is it or not but i would go / stay with it.

      0.3.2 or 0.4.0-rc? 0.4 on paper it looks better.

      Yes, Amarok was the best. According to me mysql and other strange ideas killed it.
      Amarok is slowly being ported, but will we ever see a new version?

      • demm replied to this.

        Kaidan 0.4.0 rc1 + qxmpp 1.0.0 are added (build repo).

        mendez Amarok is slowly being ported, but will we ever see a new version?

        That really stopped 2-3 years ago, around 2015 it was actively ported by one dev, but you can now state it is dead for over 18 months.

        10 days later

        Its a good idea, this app seems being worked upon (looked at commits), probably will be a good replacement.
        My vote for using Strawberry as a maintained Qt5 musc player.


        4 days later

        I found a new way to build Haskell: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack

        It compiles into an own, dedicated location, which means all the packages from the Haskell package manager do not mix with the existing packages of KaOS. Another benefit is, that you do not need to build 1000 dependencies, as you would otherwise to get Haskell running. And it offers a couple of nice, additional tools.

        This makes it also much easier to compile any other project that is itself based on Haskell.

        6 months later


        Sorry @demm for the old post but I'm still trying to have a fresher version of nextcloud-client.
        Could we integrate it on the Kaos official packages ?
        It is a qt5 software, the one on kcp is older than 2 years...

          demm because I use a non free French provider to store my files which uses Nextcloud. And because Dropbox is not tall enough.

          I will ask to someone to help me to update it on KCP.
          I have always the feeling that Iโ€™m boring people here with my questions...
          โ€˜Still using Kaos for two years without any problems.
          love it.