Room for new packages
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I found a new way to build Haskell:
It compiles into an own, dedicated location, which means all the packages from the Haskell package manager do not mix with the existing packages of KaOS. Another benefit is, that you do not need to build 1000 dependencies, as you would otherwise to get Haskell running. And it offers a couple of nice, additional tools.
This makes it also much easier to compile any other project that is itself based on Haskell.
Monsieurzik Since no-one bothered to answer, simple answer is no as it stands now. The same questions as why to add it are still open.
demm because I use a non free French provider to store my files which uses Nextcloud. And because Dropbox is not tall enough.
I will ask to someone to help me to update it on KCP.
I have always the feeling that I’m boring people here with my questions...
‘Still using Kaos for two years without any problems.
love it.
Default for KaOS is Seafile, still no answer what Nextcloud offers that Seafile does not (or my service for 10 years, Spideroak). Since there already quite a few of these kinds of applications in the repo, there has to be a compelling reason to add yet another. KaOS will always keep a limited amount of similar applications.
demm I know that you don't want too many similar applications, that's just Seafile is another one paid solution...
I'm compiling the KCP package by changing the packages source. Crossing fingers...
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Seafile has free storage, plus can be used as self hosted server (afaik, exactly like Nextcloud).
Scratch the above, is set close December 1 (I have used that free tier for about 5 years), no option to use any of their servers anymore, thus will be needed to make another file-syncing service the new default.
Maybe best to start a poll for what most users prefer?
In my experience seafile is much better (faster) for file synchronization then nextcloud. For backup and sharing files I use seafile. For calendars, contacs etc.. I use nextcloud (but it does not need extra software, because it sync through caldav and carddav). Also for basic file operations it is possible to use webdav and access nextcloud hosted files this way. Webdav should be included in lot of software (like libre office - so remote editting is possible). URL then looks like: webdavs://nextcloud-server.example/remote.php/webdav/.
Both seafile and nextcloud can be self hosted. And one good approach is to run them inside container like docker. So for me no nextcloud client or servers is needed. It can be good-to-have, but not necessary.
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see link:
Se puede descargar al appimage de nextcloud, se guarda en la carpeta que se desee y se ejecuta y funciona!.
No hace falta hacer nada.
It can be downloaded to the nextcloud appimage, saved in the desired folder and executed and works !.
No need to do anything.
tatizaffaroni Good point
This thread is not about Flatpak or Appimages, it is about KaOS repositories, please keep the discussion to that.
Two new applications added, one is more a replacement. MystiQ is added to eventually replace Qwinff, latter seems pretty dead, last release was from 2015. See the post on Gitter from the MystiQ dev for more info.
Second added is Kvantum, it will be used to create a new Midna theme for 2020. Midna is now based on QtCurve, but that is quite dead too, so will be nice to base the KaOS theme on something actually maintained. Jomada will help with making a Kvantum based Midna theme.
tatizaffaroni Thanks :o)
What about this? I think Android integration is good for the Linux desktop.
LostLombard Hay alguna diferencia con poner un servidor VNC en tu Android y listo? Porque parece lo mismo.
Is there a difference with putting a VNC server on your Android and voila? Because it seems the same.
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The pace is picking up for the python2 removal, so about a dozen packages left the repos last week alone.
Three new applications were added (which resulted in about 10 new packages, for new needed depends).
First is a plasmoid, systemd-plasmoid. With it you can easily maintain systemd services. The development for this plasmoid started just a little over a week ago, so it is not complete yet. Plan is for this to eventually replace systemd-kcm, since that one has been dead upstream for about 5 years.
Second is PDFreader, with it Falkon has native PDF support, will be part of the default install starting with the next ISO.
Third one took the most new packages, Spectral, a Qt5 based desktop client for Matrix. The needed libs added for this one were olm, libqtolm and libquotient. Those libs are the base for quite a few other Matrix clients. Spectral looks like the best fit for KaOS now, but with these depends in place it won't be hard to switch to another client should a better option become available.