I see there is OpenCL for AMD and NVidia in repo, but there are no OpenCL intel no? I want to use it but unfortunately should compile all from source?
How to use OpenCL intel driver?
- Edited
I've compile by myself all packages, i'll be pleased if they appear in the main repo, but you can wait till you upgrade LLVM to 8.0 since 7.1 needs to be patched. Packages are llvm-translator, opencl-clang, intel-graphic-controller and intel-compute-runtime.
a month later
Do you plan to add Intel OpenCL support or i should compile them by myself?
where do you see opencl for AMD
Ships with Mesa.
Not in KaOS:
So, again, where did you see opencl for AMD?
I don't see it, i don't have amd, just see it in Mesa, but it looks like not builded.
I'll continue to build opencl.