I fixed my A10 mid-tower, which has a months old installation. When I tried to update, after downloading the needed packages, and error showed up:


I can't generate sysinfo on Octopi, no windows will ever be shown with the link, both with the hotkey and the menu. It's the first time I can't get that link.
I am not the only one with the issue. A KaOS user reported the same problem in the Telegram group:

I've tried to delete the pacman cache with pacman -Scc and downloading the packages again with pacman -Syyu, with no success.

Me too...I was gonna try to switch mirrors tonight., but you've already done it for me.

eqlucky Have you tried to switch to the main server?
is the repo where the others server's packages get synced from

    fjmorazan I've just commented every mirror but the main server:

    Still the same. Thanks for the input, I didn't remember the .tk was the main server.

    Once you download a package to your local database from an unsynced/bad mirror, just switching mirrors won't remove that package from your local database, you need to force a database sync sudo pacman -Syy. That is why it is so vital to always run mirror-check prior to updating, or use upd for your updates.

    But I will check linux-firmware in [core], see if it is needed to redo the database for that package.
    I checked the db, linux-firmware has a wrong db entry, will redo shortly.

    I ended up rebuilding linux-firmware, database creation kept showing a bsdtar error for adding the linux-firmware package. Once your mirrors are synced linux-firmware 20190628-2 should install cleanly.

    Thank you Demm, I'll boot up the laptop and try to update it in a bit (on desktop which upgraded successfully prior to laptop failing).
    Edit: Laptop successfully upgraded.

    a year later

    sudo pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases ...
    core repository is up to date
    main repository is up to date
    apps store is up to date
    :: System update is starting ...
    error: Could not open / var / lib / pacman / local / linux-firmware-20201118-1 / desc file: There is no such file or directory
    Resolving package dependencies ...
    Checking for conflicts between packages, if any ...
    Warning: metadata for package linux-firmware-20201118-1 cannot be fully loaded
    error: preparation for operation failed (invalid or bad package)

    Please don't necrobump, this thread was solved 18 months ago, your issue is entirely different, start your own thread, closing this one. (and a hint, that version of linux-firmware is not in the repositories).

    demm locked the discussion .