When opening systemsettings,nomad firewall the icon is green, to say it is in use.
BUT When running 'sudo iptables -L --line-numbers' there is no detailed output or
when running 'sudo ufw status' again there is no detailed output.
ONLY when disabling and re-enabling nomad in systemsettings do I get an iptables list and a ufw list.
Please, a simple explanation what's going on.

6 months later

Demm# Further to my previous post.
After a new install of the your latest and also on other installs.
After adding some rules to nomad.

After log-in NOMAD -- shows "enabled" ie.GREEN.
sudo ufw status -- shows "inactive"
sudo iptables -S -- shows -P input accept, -P Forward accept, -P outward accept

I CAN connect with ssh and therefore deduce that firewall is NOT working.

Disable NOMAD and re-enable it
sudo ufw status -- shows "active"
sudo iptables -S -- shows "massive list of tables"

I CANNOT connect with ssh and therefore deduce that firewall IS working.

Adding the appropriate firewall rule to NOMAD then allows me a ssh connection.

If "sudo ufw enable" is used it still shows inactive after next boot.

I'm sure its not me, but you could prove me wrong. Please do if I am.

OK Demm, I see you are reluctant to answer my posts.

For ALL OTHER USERS though it might be worth checking that you have enabled the 'systemd UFW service', as when looking at the Nomad firewall in systemsettings it shows that it is operational when
My view is that if NOMAD is enabled it should enable UFW, IT DOESN'T,(unless you disable it and re-enable it).
Therefore if you install KAOS and enter the firewall rules through NOMAD, upon reboot there is no firewall operational but you are led to believe that all is OK.
The UFW service is NECESSARY and it not a default service.

  • demm replied to this.

    nezzie The UFW service is NECESSARY and it not a default service

    Looks like a bug in nomad, can you open a bug report, so it won't get lost in the forums?

    Or is your issue related to usptream?

    nezzie I see you are reluctant to answer my posts.

    You did not seem to ask for help, since you had a solution, not clear why I should answer, seems you were posting for other users.
    It would be nice if the whole forum support was not just on me....

    Apologies Demm.
    I did ask for some feedback in posts 1 & 2. Not necessarily from you, but if it could be verified as right or wrong. it was only after a complete new install that I could prove conclusively that NOMAD was at fault. I don't know at this end if UFW should have been enabled by default by KAOS or whoever is involved. I had assumed it would be looked at as a security issue.
    I will now fill out a bug report for it.

    "It would be nice if the whole forum support was not just on me...."

    yes it would, there are very few replies from others offering help.
    A brilliant OS though and many thanks for all your considerable input to make it so.