when I run pacman to update I get: "error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: installing dbus-python2 (1.2.10-1) breaks dependency 'dbus-python' required by pyqt-python2" and when I try to skip python2 I get this: "error: "failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) dbus-python3: /usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/dbus-python.h exists in filesystem (owned by dbus-python2) dbus-python3: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/dbus-python.pc exists in filesystem (owned by dbus-python2)". Never had a problem before with updating KaOS.

Please post the output of pacman -Qm, pyqt-python2 is not in the KaOS repos. And never skip any package unless you are absolute sure about what you are doing, partial updates will break your install.
Also post the output of Octopi > Tools > SysInfo

output of pacman -Qm:

amarok 2.8.83-1
attica 0.4.2-2
blogilo 17.08.3-1
breeze4 5.6.5-1
chemical-mime-data 0.1.94-4
clamz 0.5-4
cloog 0.18.1-5
crossguid 0.1-2
cyrus-sasl 2.1.26-2
directfb 1.7.7-3
epsoneplijs 0.4.1-3
gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-3
ifuse 1.1.3-5
imagewriter 1.10.11-2
isl 0.13-3
kdelibs 4.14.19-2
kdgantt2 16.08.3-1
libdbusmenu-qt 0.9.2-2
libechonest 2.3.1-2
libpqxx 4.0.1-3
libqzeitgeist 0.8.0-4
librecad 2.1.3-2
libsidplay 1.36.59-7
libstdc++5 3.3.6-5
libxfont 1.5.3-1
loudmouth 1.5.3-1
opencascade 1:6.9.1-2
oxygen-fonts 5.4.3-1
phonon 4.9.0-1
phonon-backend-gstreamer 4.9.0-1
pim-storage-service-manager 16.12.3-1
polkit-qt 0.112.0-1
pyqt-python2 4.11.4-2
pyqt5-python2 5.10.1-3
python2-cycler 0.10.0-1
python2-lxml 4.4.1-1
python2-matplotlib 2.2.3-1
python2-systemd 234-1
qca 2.1.1-1
qt 4.8.7-4
qt5-quick1 5.7.1-1
qtscriptgenerator 0.2.0-2
qtwebkit 2.3.4-2
recode 3.6-7
strigi 0.7.8-10
toolame 02l-10
transcode 1.1.7-20
udisks 1.0.5-3
vtk 8.1.1-1
xbase 2.0.0-4

Without seeing the output of SysInfo (see my previous post), I can only guess how you come up with such a list of non-repo packages (install from 20104/2015?/ you build & maintain all those Qt 4 packages yourself?)
If the first, install from around 2014/2015, part of maintaining a rolling release is removing packages no longer in the repo, than conflicts like you encountered now(or as you might have now, dozens of broken packages) won't happen.

The sysinfo is a large file, not sure if you wanted me to place it here. I don't build or maintain any packages. I use what ever is in the repo. I might have tried to install a couple of packages, one of them being Boinc.

4 days later

Hey, I'll join the thread, I also see this:

dbus-python3: /usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/dbus-python.h exists in filesystem (owned by dbus-python2)
dbus-python3: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/dbus-python.pc exists in filesystem (owned by dbus-python2)

and I cant remove it:

[tabris@ENE ~]$ sudo pacman -Rns dbus-python2
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: dbus-python3: removing dbus-python2 breaks dependency 'dbus-python2'
:: telepathy-qt5: removing dbus-python2 breaks dependency 'dbus-python'

I don't have qt4 stuff, this is my Qm output:

dbus-python2 1.2.8-1
franz 5.1.0-1
gamin 0.1.10-4
libsidplay 1.36.59-7
python2-systemd 234-1
soulseekqt 20180130-6
syncthing 1.0.0-1

I recognize the following from KCP:


Update: Nevermind, we talked in the chat.

yo deje de manener / actualizar el WPS-OFFICE de KPC porque ya esá disponible desde DISCOVER, recomiendo si quieren tener el WPS-OFFICE mas actual, que lo instalen desde DISCOVER, al ser en formato FLAT tardara un poco mas en iniciarse, pero no lo considero tan lento y el beneficio de que va a estar mas al día. Lo mismo aplica para otros pauqetes que mantenia , deje de hacerlo desde que los vi en flathub.

    7 days later

    israphel sisi, tendrias el mismo wps-office que desde flat-hu, Discover los podes instalar desde Octopi; Discover es una aplicacion simalar a Octopi, o sea Centro de Software pero en mi caso lo uso para ver, recorrer descubrir, las aplicaciones que estan disponibles en Flathub. Si instalas Discover, luego lo abris, vas a la seccion "Fuentes" que esta en la esquina inferior-izquierda de la ventana, y activas el repositorio flathub.