given that both snapper and timeshift are broken in KCP for years, one is left with manual snapshooting via

btrfs subvol snapshot
and some editing of the grub.cfg lines. I did it before, so its possible.
btrfs subvolume snapshot [-r] [-i <qgroupid>] <source> <dest>|[<dest>/]<name>
Create a snapshot of the subvolume

a little HowTo would be cool, maybe start here:

all those automatism tend to make stuff overly complex and break easily, e.g. this:

    Why not fix in KCP? It is up to users like yourself to maintain....., otherwise why keep KCP around.

    • gaga replied to this.

      well I posted the fix here already for snapper. timeshift is harder, since libgee does not build.

      Again, that does nothing for KCP. If no-one maintains or fixes any there, what is the point. Posting in the forum, in an obscure thread is not going to help anyone trying to use KCP.

      Ok I look into it. let's see with how much hostility I will be met, like with killing my first post over so-called necro-bumping. whatever you do, it is never right. thanks very much.

      • demm replied to this.

        gaga so-called necro-bumping

        You did not get a pop-up warning you when you posted initially in that (very old) thread?

        demm Why not? for one: since MS bought github, they enforce an utterly hostile policy against the old git user base. That is why Github is met with universal derision.

        My previous post is a simple question, since it is a new feature in this forum, so just wondering if you did or did not see the the warning. No clue what this has to do with Github. Or is this about not wanting to contribute to KCP?


        I used snapper until it was broken.

        Then I switched over to # btrfs subvolume snapshot ...

        You take the same steps with # btrfs as # snapper rollback does

        1) create a read-only snapshot of the actual root subvolume.
        2) create a read-write snapshot of the previous working read-only snapshot.
        3) set this snapshot as default subvolume ( # btrfs subvolume set-default ...)

        Then you chroot into the new default subvolume and
        1) install grub ( # grub-install )
        2) recreate the initramfs ( # mkinitcpio )
        3) recreate /boot/grub/grub.cfg ( # grub-mkconfig )

        That worked. No need to edit grub.cfg manually.

        Best regards,