Hello KAos community,
My name is Stéphane and i am french so excuse me for my poor english.
I would thanks Kaos community for this superb OS. It's my first install after using Arch / Fedora / Chakra and i must say that i'm very pleased with Kaos.
In the past i spend a lot of time developping tools on linux like 2ManDVD, SMILE, etc....
But because ther is a always a but with me ;-) I've a small question.
Why QT5 apps doesn't respect system fonts. For an exemple i install digikam and all the fonts are bigger and i'm not sure it's the good font.
I search on web and they speak from SCALE_FACTOR but that seem not working.
Do you have an idea ?
A big thank you for everything

  • demm replied to this.

    sgibault Why QT5 apps doesn't respect system fonts.

    KaOS is mainly Qt5 based apps, so you mean the system doesn't respect any fonts settings? Can you replicate with a new, clean user? Did you encounter this in live mode or right after a new install? Or started after you added themes/adjusted fonts/added fonts?
    Probably best to start with giving system info, see:

    Thanks for your answer. This is with a fresh install of 20.07. The only thing i do is install roboto font family by downloading an archive of ttf font. But after installing other QT5 apps like virtualbox, it seem that only digikam is impacted. So maybe related to this apps.

    • demm replied to this.

      sgibault The only thing i do is install roboto font family by downloading an archive of ttf font.

      Roboto is in the KaOS repositories, part of ttf-google-fonts. You don't state how you installed this non-repo font, so only guessing possible (not starting with guessing).
      And did you select to set Digikam with custom fonts, overriding the default system font? Settings > Miscellaneous > Appearance tab > Application font

      From Octopi ttf-google-fonts seems only provide ttf-raleway ..... not roboto
      And for Digikam you are right..... strange an application that override system settings fonts. Demm you are awesome.
      A big thank you

      • demm replied to this.

        sgibault ttf-google-fonts seems only provide ttf-raleway

        ttf-google-fonts is 850Mb installed, Raleway is used in the Midna theme, so as not to add 850Mb to all installs, Raleway is also packaged as a standalone font, thus a provide/conflict has to be present in ttf-google-fonts, otherwise you will have errors trying to install, since both provide the same files.
        And no, provides does not mean it will list every part a package may contain, provide is purely for the package manager to deal with needed depends and conflicts.

        To really know what files are in which package :pf is part of every KaOS bashrc, it is short for pkgfile -vri.
        Usage example, update pkgfile first:

        sudo pkgfile -u

        From now on, you can search any part of the KaOS repositories (installed and not installed):

        :pf roboto

        And you will get a list of every file that contains roboto, including package name. This is also build-in to octopi, but takes more clicks then just typing :pf (see the help tab in octopi for all the search and other options)