Hi there!

I've just managed to install the system with my 3060ti via the 2018.10 ISO, on UEFI free drivers.
Sadly, now I can't upgrade it by "upd-ing" it. It syncs the mirrors correctly, it downloads tons of new packages:

But, as soon as it tries to update them, it gives an error with every single package:

error: could not open file /var/cache/pacman/pkg/simplescreenrecorder-0.4.2-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst: Can't initialize filter; unable to run program "zstd -d -qq"

I know this could be an issue which has no solution, as I am aware I'm trying to upgrade a 2 year old system.
I'm just asking if there could be one.

Thanks! And I hope I am able to install the next test ISO with my new graphics card 🙂

Sync the mirror of the new install (pacman -Sy), then try to install just zstd (not part of that ISO, and now the standard package format), afaik, zstd should not be broken on that old system.
Then try to update again.


     eqlucky î‚° ~ î‚° sudo pacman -Sy
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
     build is up to date
     core is up to date
     main is up to date
     apps is up to date
     eqlucky î‚° ~ î‚° sudo pacman -S zstd
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for conflicting packages...
    Package (1)  New Version  Net Change
    build/zstd   1.4.8-1        2,73 MiB
    Total Installed Size:  2,73 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    (1/1) checking keys in keyring                     [---] 100%
    (1/1) checking package integrity                   [---] 100%
    (1/1) loading package files                        [---] 100%
    error: could not open file /var/cache/pacman/pkg/zstd-1.4.8-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst: Can't initialize filter; unable to run program "zstd -d -qq"
    error: failed to commit transaction (could not find or read package)
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

    Ok, commented the build repo in pacman.conf, deleted pacman cache with pacman -Sc
    I just installed zstd from core repo.

      Ok, there's now another error coming up: Python2 and Python3 packages and dependencies are conflicting with each other.
      I bet this won't get an easy solution:

      (898/898) checking keys in keyring                                          [-------------------------------------------] 100%
      (898/898) checking package integrity                                        [-------------------------------------------] 100%
      (898/898) loading package files                                             [-------------------------------------------] 100%
      (898/898) checking for file conflicts                                       [-------------------------------------------] 100%
      error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
      python3-gobject3: /usr/include/pygobject-3.0/pygobject.h exists in filesystem (owned by python2-gobject3)
      python3-gobject3: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/pygobject-3.0.pc exists in filesystem (owned by python2-gobject3)
      Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

      I don't mind waiting a bit (in order to test the next iso) if this goes southways just to upgrade a system this old.

      Default install is now python2 free, remove any python2 related that causes conflicts.

      I wonder why you use such an old iso? You want a try someone from 2015? This is rolling distro, every iso more than a half year is old.

        @bvbfan An ISO with nouveau is needed, that ISO from 2018 is the last one with it. This was discussed on IRC. It is the latest NVidia hardware, needing the non-free driver currently in the repo. 455.45 is the first release from NVidia that supports this hardware.

        bvbfan As stated in the first post, I've recently bought a RTX 3060 TI. I was unable to install latest ISO, and I asked demm on iRC about the issue, considering there are more distros with the same problem.

        @demm Tried to remove python2 dependencies, but left the system unusable. Thanks for your help, but I won't waste more time trying to do something that shouldn't be done in the first place.
        I'll be here to help with the next test cycle.