Not clear? Sorry about that. I referred to:
The ISO is using packages from the build repo, but that repo is not enabled, so if you decide to install, make sure to add the build repo to your pacman.conf.
Not clear? Sorry about that. I referred to:
The ISO is using packages from the build repo, but that repo is not enabled, so if you decide to install, make sure to add the build repo to your pacman.conf.
The one time I don't include the same info as used for all ISO cycles in the first post, right away, the warning is needed...
Well, da. That's like saying one finds something in the last place one looks for it. (well, da
I followed your advice and read the link supplied. I didn't see the relevant section, I'm sure I didn't put enough effort into it. Plus it reads a little like a stream of consciousness; and could benefit from a little organization.
To light a candle instead of cursing the darkness, I'll offer a suggestion for a template for future use. To wit:
A first, minimal test ISO is uploaded to start a test cycle for a release in the New Year.
Since a lot will still change from this first ISO, not much will be written about this one yet. It still has the old kernel (5.8.18), but AUFS patches are working for 5.10, so expect a new minimal ISO soon with 5.10.
New Nvidia hardware really needs an updated ISO right now, that is why starting the test cycle right now. For new Nvidia, this ISO also includes the nouveau driver (instead of using the modesetting driver).
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Minimal ISO Testing guidelines:
Instillation Errors while installing:
Run the installer, Calamares, with gdb and provide the installation log, if you encounter any issue at all.
You can start Calamares from the Welcome app, or run it with:
sudo calamares -d
from a terminal.
The install log will be created in the home directory of the Live user, see ~/installation.log. It is available after the install in the target system in /var/log/installation.log
If run from cli, make sure to pastebin the full output, since no installation.log will be copied then, though that log is more complete.
Once installed:
The ISO is using packages from the build repo, but that repo is not enabled by default. Before updating the new installation, add the build repo to your pacman.conf. Add:
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
to: the repositories section of /etc/pacman.conf
We love our testers, thank you for your time.
Hey there!
I've just tried to boot, on both non-free and free drivers, and still gets stuck in the same step.
Tried with nomodeset kernel boot parameters, with same results.
Tell me if you need any more info.
When the boot stops (probably at not being able to start X), login to tty2 and get some logs. Pacman log to see if the nvidia driver gets installed, /var/log/Xorg logs to see why X fails and full dmesg would be useful.
Yeah, it stops just before showing any graphic interface.
Here are two logs, journalctl and dmesg ones:
It was easier right now to throw them at my Google Drive. Full read privileges.
About pacman log, I couldn't find any on /var/log. Anywhere else to look for it?
PS: I just realized I didn't get the Xorg one, brb
[EDIT] Just uploaded Xorg log on that folder.
Are these logs when selecting non-free? If not selected, then there will be no pacman.log. Tests are mostly needed for non-free, see if it supports the latest nvidia.
Nouveau fails, not ready for this hardware:
Dec 31 14:35:13 localhost kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: unknown chipset (b74000a1)
Linux 5.10.4 is now in the build repo, next ISO will move to that version, then nouveau should have support for this chipset.
Second minimal test ISO is up. Much closer to what will be used for the final ISO now.
Tests did show, non-free Nvidia could work with the latest RTX 30* cards, but the included (stable) 455 driver lacked the database for these cards, thus this ISO ships with the 460 (beta) driver.
The kernel has moved to the latest, longterm release version 5.10, ISO includes 5.10.4.
Hardware-detection has been updated to accommodate the new Nvidia version, filesystem, kinfocenter and Calamares were updated to reflect the New Year.
No new QML modules this time for Calamares, usersq is still stuck with not connecting to the needed config files, so the old users module will stay in use.
Expect kernel 5.10.7 or 8 to be on the final ISO. For the KDE packages, expect Frameworks 5.78, Plasma 5.20.5 and KDE Apps 20.12.1, so that means another week at least for ISO testing.
On this ISO you will find:
Linux 5.10.4
systemd 246
gcc 10.2.0
Qt 5.15.2
Frameworks 5.77.0
Plasma 5.20.4
KDE Applications 20.12.0
Calamares 3.2.36
Octopi 0.9.0 with sysinfo & cachecleaner tool
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Known issues:
None at this time
Not stable enough yet, about 25% percent of boot-ups, iwd starts too early and needs to be restarted to have it working.
Pity, thank you for the clarification.
Switch from pulseaudio, jack -> pipewire, it will probably be even more difficult.
Good news.
I've tried the new test ISO on both free and non-free.
On free, it keeps getting stuck.
On non-free, it just boots up like always and lets install the system. It keeps giving the "unknown chipset" error, but plasma is loaded and kicking.
inxi -G says it has 460.27.04 drivers loaded.
If you need any log, tell me and I'll give it tomorrow.
First full ISO is up. Lots of updates since the previous, minimal test ISO. Kernel moved to 5.10.5, Plasma is at 5.20.5, KDE Apps 20.12.1. LLVM did the major 11 update (11.0.1), meaning quite a few rebuilds for it.
This ISO has Stacer instead of systemd-kcm, should be a nice improvement.
None of my hardware has kernel 5.10.4/monitor resume from suspend issues, so I can't test if 5.10.5 has fixes for this. Neither can I test if the free option supports the very latest Nvidia cards with the new kernel.
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I can confirm here that kernel 5.10.5 still fails to wake the monitor and resume. Will try other PC later.
Note: 5.10.5-arch1-1 on same machine (arch OS) resumes OK.
Both intel PC's are fine using Arch 5.10.4.arch2-1. They both failed on straight
OK, what I expected.
5.10.6 will get the fix they used in arch-2 (I prefer not to patch kernels in the build repo/linux-next):
This also means the first full ISO will definitely not be a final, linux 5.10.6 will be needed, also the needed Nvidia 460 has now a stable release (current ISO has 460 beta).
Great stuff Demm 5.10.6-1 working OK now. So far!
Second full ISO is up, this should be the final ISO for a January release, given off course that no new issues are found.
The move to linux 5.10.6 and Nvidia 460.32 fixed the known issues.
Some of the updates since the first full ISO also include new Vulkan packages, Smplayer, NSS, GPSD (which required a few rebuilds) and new Inxi.
b0dff6f73cb797bbb62f03dd853ceee493bc65ddf611cc28fc1f2ccd6bcf5da5 KaOS-2021.01.11-x86_64.iso
KaOS 2021.01 is now released:
This concludes the current test cycle. Thanks to all who helped with testing.