Download KaOS_Test
First, minimal test ISO is uploaded for the August stable ISO release.

Changes for this ISO that need testing are the move to Pipewire as the default sound backend (testing both in Live mode & the option in Calamares to use Pipewire).
Next one is the option to use only mouse or touchpad for installing, please test using the virtualkeyboard in the User module.
Feedback would be appreciated for the new layout of Calamares.

As always, early test ISOs are minimal, very few apps, just a web-browser, file manager, text editor, GUI package manager. The non-free Nvidia drivers are included since they are a big part of what needs testing.

Plan is to have Frameworks 5.96.0, KDE Applications 22.07.90, Plasma 5.25.4 and Linux 5.18.x on the final ISO.

The ISO is using packages from the build repo, but that repo is not enabled, so if you decide to install, make sure to add the build repo to your pacman.conf.

Debug packages for Calamares are part of all ISOs, run Calamares with gdb if you encounter errors.
provide the installation log, if you encounter any issue at all

You can start Calamares from the Welcome app, or run it with:

sudo calamares -d

The install log will be created in the home directory of the Live user, see ~/installation.log. It is available after the install in the target system in /var/log/installation.log
If run from cli, make sure to pastebin the full output, since no installation.log will be copied then, though that log is more complete.

44ef36d99d9348f2659db67cdf4301e39504f72410a07b26d10d1ecc54fd944b  KaOS-2022.08.03-x86_64.iso

On this ISO you will find:
Linux 5.18.16
systemd 251.3
gcc 11.3.0
Qt 5.15.5+
Frameworks 5.96.0
Plasma 5.25.4
KDE Applications 22.04.3
Calamares 3.3 Beta
Octopi 0.13.0 with sysinfo & cachecleaner tool

Known issues:

  • Virtualbox with a Wayland session needs to set screensize in systemsettings
  • The bottom progress-bar in Calamares reacts to mouse clicks & opens a virtualkeyboard (narrow)

Second minimal ISO is up.
Changes are:

  • inclusion of KDE Apps 22.08RC
  • Calamares look further adjusted, mainly in the navigation section
  • A good amount of other packages updated, like Mesa & Util-linux

No real issues found so far. New ISO so quick was mainly to get the final new look of Calamares out, as to get some feedback.
What it looks like now:

8ca29dc3ffcbc03f63f0d6846a43d7262c3395aff44504eb3abb7485314645a2  KaOS-2022.08.05-x86_64.iso

Minimal installation went without any problems.

Minor observations:

  • on my intel graphics system, mouse cursor disappears over window title bar. This has been happening for several versions of Midna. It looks weak if someone is getting acquainted with the system for the first time.

  • new Calamares looks pretty good. Perhaps larger icons under "Back/Next/Cancel"?

  • demm replied to this.

    I can confirm that the mouse cursor does disappear on the borders. It's only on Wayland. After switching to X11 and rebooting all is OK when logging back into Wayland.

    mendez This has been happening for several versions of Midna

    This is not about the theme (Midna), it is an issue with Live settings. I know it has been there in Live mode a while, once installed, Wayland session on Intel or Virtualbox does not show the issue (still Midna, so no use looking for a fix there). So far no luck yet to figure what Live setting triggers this (quite a few files have been completely redone, still no fix).


      I just reinstalled, and with the first boot of the new system, cursor still does disappear on the borders Croeso window. And cursor is bigger. I recorded the video with my phone, to avoid making changes to the system, if you need proof.

      With second launch, the only change I made was to mark the new empty session. And cursor has stopped disappearing and is smaller.

      The first run contains a saved session from Live mode?

      I always changed the appearance on the first startup, so I thought it was the fault of the Midna, but it seems to be a problem in the saved session.

      Issue is in the mouse setting (Breeze is used, so nothing to do with Midna). In live mode, change to pointer to a different theme (only the mouse pointer, other theme changes have no effect),and back to Breeze > mouse no longer disappears (still too large). But if you search the KDE bug reports some, it has many entries for this issue, that is why it has been known here a while, and no change yet, since it will need a fix in Plasma afaik.

      First full ISO is up, with quite a lot of changes.
      First is more work on the fully updated flow/look of Calamares. The Welcome page has basically been redone. No longer a combobox to select a different language, but the use of a Drawer with Listview is implemented. The fine tuning in the Locale page has also moved to using Drawer(s).
      Two bug fixes, one was for Virtualbox on Wayland, not doing the autoresize, that is now fixed, second is the mouse cursor, discussed above.
      Updates included a move to systemd 251.4

      Welcome page now (with language selector opened):

      0c1edf8b6740f399ec7625464bfd439ddd0953d59dd8a924e2c56c364817aa1b  KaOS-2022.08.09-x86_64.iso

      A second full ISO was needed, and is now up.
      Bugs fixed:

      • when selecting Pulseaudio in the audio module, Pipewire now actually gets disabled
      • translation issue in the welcome page, one QML string needed a correction to be translatable
      • cups service name had changed, so using the old name during the install, meant it was never enabled

      Kernel moved to linux 5.18.17, other updates included mesa 22.1.6, xorgproto 22.2, tzdata 2022b, intel-ucode 20220809.
      This should be the final ISO, and will be released in 1-2 days as the August stable release, if no new regressions found.

      5883c70000c4166332879b822b8e58c15be917b7e7ed3622f01bb170c54ee87e  KaOS-2022.08.11-x86_64.iso

      With KDE Apps coming available to packagers 2 days ago, it makes no sense to release the ISO from August 11 as the next stable. New Frameworks was also released (today), so that would mean, the day the ISO would be released, some 350 packages would already be outdated, thus one more full ISO is up.

      This also brings the option to include one more module in Calamares that was moved to using a Drawer (and no more stackView), the Keyboard module. What it looks like now (with the Drawer activated):

      94be8bc187292c287bd8f8a06ec19bae41ff5084da61d824845176b3de03ede2  KaOS-2022.08.17-x86_64.iso