I am a little bit new to KaOS and Linux but so far I have managed fairly well...even using the terminal a bit. I would like some assistance though with installing Microsoft Edge on KaOS. I really like this OS and for me I think that is all I am missing is Edge with my synced passwords. I word searched the forum before posting but didn't find any relevant post about it.

    Agree with Demm (obviously. Why take issue with the creator?). Using the package in the link and the easy build instructions is all it takes. I also run Insync the same way.

    I am no expert at all; a professional classical musician and college professor. All you have to do is follow the instructions. After extracting the package, going into that directory, and right-clck "open terminal here," all it took was entering makepkg -si and entering a password at the prompt to get Edge on my system.

    Keep an eye out for updates, however. You need to repeat this process to maintain self-installed stuff. Enjoy!

    9 days later


    Hello there, Garmac!

    I see what you mean.

    Unfortunately there is no 'official' package for Microsoft Edge web browser.
    Nor is it in the "user" repository called KCP - similar to AUR on Arch Linux.

    If I get some time and the know-how, and manage my time, I could create an installable package for you by using this command inside terminal:

    $ kcp -u

    $ kcp -s 'name-of-package'

    $ kcp -i microsoft-edge(-stable)
    -- Or something like that. ;-)

    Please try to use the pre-installed KCP tool in the meantime to search for software that is not in the 'official' KaOS repositories.



    Hello once again.

    So I successfully pre-packed/re-packed the Microsoft Edge from AUR and made available into KCP.

    It can be installed either with Octopi GUI package manager or with a command:
    -$ kcp -u
    -$ kcp -i microsoft-edge-stable

    It was not that easy and it took some time, but I 'gladly' managed . . .

      2 months later
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