I saw ebuzz do a video on KaOS and was fascinated by the idea of a distro that isn't necessarily 'based' on anything. Also, I'm an avid lover of Plasma and thoroughly enjoyed the clean look out of the box, and was blown away by how little RAM it used in the review I watched.
All that being said, I hit a couple roadblocks during a live session that I'm wondering if a full install would fix.
- I didn't see any kind of a software center but figured out I could use pacman to install packages.. however, neofetch among many other things were not found. Flatpak wasn't enabled either. Does the list of available software grow after a full install?
- The OS couldn't find my laptop's speakers, despite being on a fairly new kernel. It's a 2021 Acer swift laptop, nothing extraordinary, and kernels as old as 5.15 had audio working out of the box. Could it be a missing hardware-related package?
- I didn't necessarily look into this, but how well does KaOS play with 32 bit packages? I remember trying (and failing) to get 32-bit wine working properly on slackware, so I'm curious if I'd run into the same issues.
Despite playing around with a variety of distros I've always fallen back on Ubuntu spins, so my questions may sound dumb to somebody more seasoned, just bear with me.