KaOS 2024.01 Minimal Installation fails repeatedly on my Virtualbox VM.

The error messages in the installation log are as follows:

Starting job "services" ( 35 / 40 )
.. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "NetworkManager.service")
.. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "cups.service")
.. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs-mount.service")
.. Target cmd: QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs-mount.service") Exit code: 1 output:
Failed to enable unit, unit zfs-mount.service does not exist.
[PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot enable systemd service zfs-mount"
[PYTHON JOB]: "systemctl enable call in chroot returned error code 1"
.. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs-import-cache.service")
.. Target cmd: QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs-import-cache.service") Exit code: 1 output:
Failed to enable unit, unit zfs-import-cache.service does not exist.
[PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot enable systemd service zfs-import-cache"
[PYTHON JOB]: "systemctl enable call in chroot returned error code 1"
.. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "graphical.target")
.. Finished. Exit code: 0 output:

I will try XFS or BTRFS as a workaround...

Please post the full installation log so the actual fail can be seen.

It fails on grub install (not used much here anymore, since only older non-UEFI systems use grub). There is a mention of unknown filesystem, not clear if this is a grub/XFS bug or something atypical in your setting. I will run this type one more time too, see if I get the error. In the meantime, try if with ext4 all works as should.

    Had the same problem on grub not installing on VirtualBox.
    I've not bothered again but will give it go when I get a bit of time.

    • demm replied to this.

      I knew of XFS problems with new GRUB, that is exactly why it was not updated yet, but seems even older GRUB is effected by the XFS issue (I thought I tested it, apparently not).

      nezzie Had the same problem on grub not installing on VirtualBox.

      Always report issues......

      🙁 so it is a major bug on this ISO for BIOS systems (since XFS is default).