I would like to know which browser you use on Kaos. I have some limitations with Falkon which is installed by default.
Which browser do you use
Which limitations? The back-end used by Konqueror (Packages) and Qutebrowser (KCP) is the same, so you might have to try google-chrome (Packages) or firefox (Packages).
The reason are
- it's only distribution i have ugly fonts problem with Falkon browser. I don't know if it's plasma 6 problem.
- DRM are missing in Falkon
- I can't use well the Password Manager, because i can't import my password
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astatek DRM are missing in Falkon
You might want to add the widevine
it's only distribution i have ugly fonts problem with Falkon browser. I don't know if it's plasma 6 problem.
Not a plasma 6 issue, Falkon fonts are quite good for most, so more info for your specific setup is needed.
But, in all Falkon is used as default since no matter what browser you set as default, it is always the wrong one for 2/3 of the users, Falkon is fully Plasma integrated, requires nothing extra to install, is fully Qt based. Only other Qt option is Otter, but not integrated at all, maintenance seems to have stopped.
All others are gtk based, default will always stay gtk free in KaOS.
Croeso had the package selection added mainly for browser choice, so on first boot into your new install, you can add whatever browser that has your preference.
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I didn't know that Falkon could directly use widevine.
But i can't find why font on website are ugly in flakon.
i know i have many alternative. Firefox work well, same thing for chrome or other based on chrome
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- antialiasing are already actived. [ I did not find how to make it work for the corrects despite all my readings ]
- yes widevine work well with spotify, thanks !! [ OK ]
- for passwork i think need to covert it to kwallet ... but i need to work [ it's possible with work ]
@"bvbfan" i make many install of Kasos Plasma 6 and i have same probleme with fonts. In the meantime I did tests with Voidlinux and Endeavouros and I had no problem fonts of Falkon. Formerly in Flakon I had no font problem
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If i can to help you to help me.
It is not only the font that are ugly but also certain graphics like spotify play bottom here: https://i.imgur.com/79MfbQS.png
it's just inside th page inside the browser. Same page with firefox have no problem. No problem in X11
I use Brave, also from the KCP. Vivaldi is also available.
Install kcp with sudo pacman -S kcp
and then run
kcp -i brave
kcp -i vivaldi
@astatek and @demm I also see this issue on a new KaOS install, and it looks like it's been reported as a bug for Wayland/kde6/possibly qtwebengine6 IF you're not using 100% scaling.
I can duplicate this issue if I adjust scaling beyond 100% (which I do on my laptop). Setting back to 100% fixes this instantly. I can confirm other browsers have no issue including Firefox.
Oh, that is good to know, I will test here with a pure QtWebengine 6 browser, see if it is Falkon, or QtWebengine.
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Confirmed here, I've using 100% but testing with 110% (in System settings/Monitor/Scale factor) makes fonts in Falkon to be ugly. It looks like QtWebengine issue, just hover over a link in bottom left corner the expandable text from it is perfectly fine, just fonts in rendered page are ugly.
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It looks like doc is outdated https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwebengine-overview.html#high-dpi-support
it should be enabled by default or it's not applied to QtWebEngine