Gazza56 I keep getting a screen selection pop-up frequently & randomly. Any clue on how to stop it? Iǘe tried Display Settings but that hasnt stopped it
shalokshalom Gazza56 Do you have any video out cable plugged in, that might hang loose? Or is the button stuck on the keyboard, that prompts that selection screen?
demm Doesn't seem to be an installation issue, but a question when you are running the installed system. But clearer indication needed of what the issue/question is. See to provide some info about your system and possible error messages. Use the SysInfo tool as explained in the link.
Gazza56 demm Iḿ new to this, I manged to produce a sysinfo file but Im not sure how to insert it in this reply? I tried copy/paste without success
demm Gazza56 Also see the doc linked above:
Gazza56 demm Yep, tried the pastebin option but the Konsole is not recognising the curl command line. Im pretty sure I entered it correctly.