I hear the infinality fonts makes the fonts and their rendering look much better. Would it be difficult to include that in octopi?
Infinality Fonts
Octopi is just a GUI of the package manager and repositories :)
Can you tell what your issues are with current font rendering? There is no such thing as Infinality Fonts, they are just patches for fontconfig and freetype 2 packages.
These patches are not always well supported by the main packages, and most of the time require user intervention to be set correctly, so patching things like this is not done lightly in KaOS.
KDE has a very good GUI for adjusting your font settings, you might want to try:
system-settings > application appearance > fonts
Make sure "use anti_aliasing" is set to enable > click configure > mark "use sub_pixel rendering" > set "RGB"
hinting style set as "slight"
do not mark "force fonts DPI"
and hit "apply"
A little late to the party and with all respect to the quality of fonts on KDE, Infinality improves font rendering on Linux based desktops by miles.
I can fully understand why it cannot be included in the default repos but there's nothing to stop people from hacking a little. Please try the following on KaOS 2016.01:
Your link is removed.
What you do on your install is up to you, don't suggest in the forum that user do things that will break their install. DO NOT install from other distribution repos. NEVER use force to install any.
If you want to use packages not in the repos follow the Packaging Guide.
Understood. Thanks for pointing it out! I didn't realize that anything posted in the forums need to adhere to the official support policies.
Not support policies, you wanting deliberately brick your system is no reason to post that anywhere, period.
Ubuntu users can install Infinality packages directly from a PPA (and revert to the original packages if they don't like it) without any hassle. Arch supports it with a well-guided procedure: .
Using an Infinality preset doesn't need any more user intervention than the procedure you mentioned to set the fonts on KDE. The settings you mentioned doesn't even look the same in two different hardware models (e.g., how did you guess that hinting style "slight" would be the best for the user with absolutely 0 knowledge of his graphics hardware?). Getting the best results from Infinality is no different. Both need tinkering around.
Does KaOS have any plans to support Infinality the way Arch has done it?
Please read the Packaging Guide, Arch does not support infinality any different, none are in their repos, all you linked to are some user repo.
If you truly want to add, set the needed PKGBUILDs to KaOS format, and add to KCP (just like all infinality is in AUR).