KaOS is running so smoothly on my maschine (lenovo t61) ... I am very impressed THANX !!!


Out of curiosity I asked myself what the consequences of rebuilding all packages after one year

are ...

and why it is done?

(must be a lot of work ...)

Not rebuilding all, rebuilding packages that did not get an update or rebuild for a .so change.

KaOS is a rather fast rolling distribution, packages that do not get an update/rebuild after some time end up being build on much older versions/libraries then are currently in the repositories. One of the reasons it all runs so smooth is exactly because all is build so tightly integrated.

You certainly will start noticing a slow-down, if some of the very low-level (core-main) packages will not be rebuild in 2 years or so.

Plus by making sure every package is checked at least once a year, any upstream change has a much bigger change of being seen.

I am thankfull for the good work demm !

KaOS is the fastest KDE-distro I used so far

and I try to get some understanding how things work together.

So the regular rebuilding of packages must be very good in terms of system-security.

Yes, security is one of the big reasons behind it too. That is also a big reason for choosing a fast rolling system, any security fix can be applied as is, no need for patching old packages, since updating might bring incompatible libs (requiring rebuilds of many).

Maybe that makes it clearer too why the choice for very limited repo size, to keep it at around 2000, all these goals are possible to implement.