I noticed that I have to reinstall virtual box after kernel updates or else it doesn't run.

Perhaps it could be better if somehow you find a solution for this problem.

(I used to work with Manjaro and Linux Mint too but, I haven't noticed any problem with virtualbox after kernel updates)


Not having lib32 packages in KaOS means virtualbox is packaged very different from the distros you mention.

There is no need to re-install, but on any kernel change, not just updates, also when you decide to boot into any other kernel like linux-next or linux-lts and back to regular linux after that, you need to run:

sudo /usr/bin/vboxsetup setup

If you want to run that line at every start-up (which will delay start-up), you can add a sercive file similar to:

edit line 8 with the above vboxsetup line, rename it to vboxsetup.service and enable it.

I don't think all/most vbox users would want this as default behavior for KaOS.