There is no steam-launcher in the repo. :
how to install steam
Please search the forum or read some on the website, there are dozens and dozens of posts about why lib32 is missing:
you must provide a way to install Steam and other apps somehow if 32bit libs is so big deal ...
Then you "must" read what this distro is:
Is not only Steam, but most games are available only in 32-bit versions. As Demm mention with the link, the distribution lacks any 32-bit packages. But that doesn't mean you could work-around the problem.
Option 1: You can install VirtualBox and setup an space for another OS, which if you are seriously considering gaming, it should be Windows anyway, since many Steam (and most non Steam games) are Windows exclusives, or Win/Mac without Linux native option.
Option 2: Even better, resize the disk, and create a partition exclusive for Windows 7. This is what I have personally, because Wildstar & Swtor which are what I played these days don't like Wine much, plus ATI sucks on Wine.
Option 3: You can use tools to copy required packages sources, and build 32-bit versions instead, up and including Wine and Steam. It will work, but you will have to do the heavy lifting yourself (I mean your CPU). Since the distribution has a rolling model, it will mean constant rebuilding of packages. So I strongly advice against it, unless you have vastly experience with packaging (specially Arch/pacman packaging), and good system to build faster.
Another option is to migrate to games available in this distro or that can be build in this distro. Why not?
Is it possible to use flatpack for this?
Please don't use 3 year old posts to ask questions about things that did not exists then.
Time to close this old thread.