I could not find BasKet Note Pads in your repository. Do you have a plan to include it? I know there are alternatives but I'm enamoured by something specific to KDE.

You will have to package that up for kcp and install it yourself if it is not in the repos, looks like a good candidate for use in kaos.

Basket has been abandoned years ago, no candidate at all to enter the repo.

Use octopi and search by "description", enter "note", see if any of the current packages suite your needs, otherwise search in kcp.

Basket has been abandoned years ago, no candidate at all to enter the repo.

Use octopi and search by "description", enter "note", see if any of the current packages suite your needs, otherwise search in kcp.

I meant good candidate for kcp ...... and the project is porting over to kde5 as I understand it

I have been messing with getting it packaged for Kcp but have run into a few issues. I never use it personally but it does fit the Qt base criteria and I need some fun.

Even KCP should not become a dumping ground of old, complete obsolete packages, last release is from 2010, last commit 2012:

The chance of severe bugs with newer Qt/KDE and other packages is to real, let alone security issues if not maintained, how do you know it isn't vulnerable?

, let alone security issues if not maintained, how do you know it isn't vulnerable?

If I have to predict what software might be vulnerable or go out of date, then I will stop submitting things to kcp. :(

I was merely suggesting to the op that he could build his own (basket) and then submit it to kcp, is this bad idea?

Not a matter of predicting to go out of date, a matter of not starting with complete obsolete apps. Four years since a last release should be enough warning to not use.

@demm : thanks for the info. I didn't check the last time the package was updated. I apologize for it.

@anika200 : thanks for seconding the software. I did make use of it when I was on Kubuntu. I sort of miss it.