
After performed an update the network management plugin in the icon try stopped working. It shows a red coloured "X" and displays the next message:

file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.networkmanagement/contents/ui/main.qml: No se puede cargar el complemento para el módulo <<org.kde.networkmanagement>>: No se puede cargar la biblioteca /usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/networkmanagement/libplasmanetworkmanagementplugins.so: (libNetworkManagerQt.so.0: no se puede abrir el ficherp del objeto compartido: No existe el fichero o el directorio)

I'll appreciate your help

Run mirror-check first, this missing package was only an issue for 6 hours 2 days ago:

Thank you so much, that resolved the problem. I'm back on Kaos :)

Sorry, i was not aware that another thread actually has the resolution, i tried to find something in the search tool but didn't find it.
