Hello: after the last updates, some "flashing" visual issues was happening. For example, Digital Clock last digit, changes madly; Same behavior into panel desktop selector. And same crazy flashing in Konsole lines!
What must I change?
Hello: after the last updates, some "flashing" visual issues was happening. For example, Digital Clock last digit, changes madly; Same behavior into panel desktop selector. And same crazy flashing in Konsole lines!
What must I change?
No one has a crystal ball and knows what happend "with the last 2 updates".
Post the pacman log from those updates, post what hardware (mostly graphics, "inxi -G" is a good start), and post what you have done to try and correct in systemsettings > desktop effects > advanced tab > openGL settings.
I am seeing the exact same issue as this and have spent some time looking into it. I also see this on the latest live disks but not in other similar distributions so my guess it is a KaOs thing.
What I have found is that it seems to be related to desktop effects and openGL as suggested, disabling any of these makes the issue go away. I have compared individual settings with other distros and cannot see anything different here.
I tried the suggestion above for the inxi -G and found the following:
inxi -Gx
Graphics: Card: Intel Mobile 4 Series Integrated Graphics Controller bus-ID: 00:02.0
Display Server: X.Org 1.16.1 drivers: intel (unloaded: vesa)
Resolution: 1440x900@60.12hz
GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Mobile Intel GM45 Express
GLX Version: 2.1 Mesa 10.3.0 Direct Rendering: Yes
I do note that it says "unloaded: vesa" .. is this normal or something I should be concerned about? I am having trouble comparing it to other computers.
Was there a resolution on the previous issue or does anyone have any ideas on further things to try?
Vesa unloading is normal (and needed), just a package that is there so you have a fallback with an always working driver (though limited).
No need to disable all in systemsettings, adjusting to other option might fix your issue.
Qt graphics see what works best Raster or Native. Scale method, Accurate is for newer cards, try smooth.
Adding an intel.conf might be needed too (though it looks like a lot of issues with intel will be fixed in linux 3.17, possibly back-ported to 3.16).
When you compare other distros, did you compare same xorg, kernel and intel driver versions?
Thanks for the response demm
The distro versions I was comparing it against were Kali, Chakra Linux Live and Netrunner Rolling Live. I have spent a bit more time on it and came up with the following:
KaOS Linux Boot Disk
Xorg Version: 11.601.000
Kernel Version: 3.15.10
OpenGL Version: 2.1 Mesa 10.3.0
xf86-video-intel 2.99.916-1
Chakra Linux Boot Disk
Xorg Version: 11.502.000
Kernel Version: 3.15.5
OpenGL Version: Does not seem to be shown or present in KinfoCenter
xf86-video-intel driver version
Netrunner Rolling Boot Disk
Xorg Version: 11.502.000
Kernel Version: 3.14.18
OpenGL Version: 2.1 Mesa 10.2.7
xf86-video-intel driver version 2.99.912-2
I had already adjusted all the settings you suggested but spent more time on trying all sorts of combinations again. It does work if I use XRender with a couple effects disabled or of course if all effects are turned off. I did go looking for an *.intel.conf but could not find anything on any of them. I also tested on my main computer and you do not see the issue in KaOS, so this is obviously an Intel chipset thing. Looking at the settings above you might almost think that it could be the Xorg version but I would bet it is some other interaction going on.
I am just going to leave it for now, I am currently only running KaOS on my laptop and will continue with it either with the desktop effects off or running Xrenderer. Hopefully there is some kind of resolution when the kernel gets upgraded.
I see no mention yet of trying with a 20-intel.conf, pointing to either glamor or uxa instead of sna, trying to set dri 2 only, see some threads on this forum for suggestions:
OK .. that fixed it, changes to the intel.conf
I had read the sections on the Arch Wiki regarding the intel.conf but was confused what options I should try, I had not found that forum post, in hindsight I should have just dived in and made changes. After trying a few options, the following seemed to work best.
Section "Device"
Identifier "Intel Graphics"
Driver "Intel"
Option "DRI" "2"
Option "AccelMethod" "sna"
Thanks heaps for your help demm